Hospitals can’t deny services to patients


Thanks to the guidelines in the New National Policy on COVID management, now no patient can be refused services on any count in Jammu and Kashmir Hospitals including private hospitals. Not only that issues of which city or place in the UT one hailed from as that was more or less the basis of referring to hospitals other than where a patient, in great distress, wanted admission, but carrying the ”mandatory” proof of being a tested COVID positive person too is not a pre-condition for getting. The gist of the new National Policy is less of botheration of papers and paper formalities and more of instant treatment as much as possible for the suffering patient. Even if one was unable to produce a valid identity card which could guide which nearest hospital one could go like hassling conditions have been dispensed with. We feel that in conditions of great agony and uncertainty on various counts, it is a great relief to the COVID patients in getting hospital treatment. Improvement upon the ongoing procedure in respect of who should get hospitalised too has been enumerated in that the same should be based on need. Beds being very important and vital in treatment of patients, it must be ensured, based on medical advice, as to who should get hospitalised and to ensure that beds were not occupied by persons not needing hospitalisation at all. We feel with the implementation of the provisions of the New National Policy on COVID management issued by the Union Ministry of H&FW, of course at the intervention of the Supreme Court, shall bring about still more improvement in the management of the pandemic issues related to hospitalisation and treatment of patients