
Tuesday May   18-2021

Aries : Today you will feel mushy and forlorn. Ganesha says you will make special efforts to strengthen your relationships. You look upon commitment as a security for the future. As a result, you will develop strong, long-term bondings.

Taurus : Things will tend to get very difficult and complicated, says Ganesha Be prepared for setbacks and challenges today. No matter how big the issue, your competence, your resourcefulness will see you through. Try to remain focused and alert. Be cautious and circumspect. Act coolly and sensibly. That is all that you need. No predicament or dilemma or predicament will hold you back. You will come out with flying colours

Gemini : You will spend your day fulfilling the demands made upon you by your family members and colleagues. You will need to devote time to matters at home. Pay attention to the needs of your relatives for they will be helpful to you in the near future, says Ganesha.

Cancer : The day shall find you in buoyant spirits, indicates Ganesha. As you are feeling lively and full of beans, you will not mind slogging it out, even if in some mindless activities or chores. It is a perfect day for activities like gardening, cooking, baking and even for a nice house warming get-together. Evening stars encourage you to go all out and splurge – emotion-wise, money-wise or time-wise – on your sweetheart!

Leo : A lot of people will sing your praises, however you will not be satisfied with whatever is occuring. The answers to some questions that have been bothering you will remain elusive. You may become emotional owing to feelings of personal loss. You will also be bothered about the near future, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Today finds you ambitious and meticulous. Actions will not speak – they’ll roar! Your planning and scruples will set the pace at work. Expect pats on the back from your bosses and a round of cheers from your peers.

Libra : Ganesha says today is a good day to renovate your home. You will be able to decorate your home artistically because of your designing skills. The atmosphere at your home will be a happy one with the arrival of guests. You will make plans to go for a picnic with close friends or relatives. Ganesha wishes you all the very best for your future.

Scorpio : You are all set to paint the town red as you feel romance and love creeping into your life slowly. You may bump into ‘someone special’ today and see love blooming for you. There are also chances of marriage proposals and meeting prospective candidates, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Variety is the spice of life. Add variety of activities to your daily schedule and nothing would seem boring any more, foretells Ganesha. Indulge in creative activities like writing, cooking, gardening or even reading. Catch up with friends and memories of old times; have a blast!

Capricorn : You will feel little lost in the maze of problems and tricky situations. You will, however, find a way out, feels Ganesha. You like to be in a commanding position at work where you guide others and call the shots. But, it has a flip side, too. While you will be appreciated for the achievements, you will also have to bear the brunt if anything goes wrong.

Aquarius : If you are an astrologer, doctor or a spiritual leader, today is a favourable day for you. Those who may want to challenge you must reconsider the thought of testing your strengths, says Ganesha. Doing charity work, helping the needy, and working for humanitarian causes give you a feeling of contentment. Today, it will be one of those extremely fulfilling days.

Pisces : Today your intellectual streak comes to the fore. You will indulge your curiosity and take interest in natural phenomenon. Your faith will help you complete all your pending tasks with ease. You will leave things to destiny. You will be more inclined to intellectual pursuits rather than professional, however, do not neglect your responsibilities, says Ganesha.