Providence alone can know how many more “waves” we were going to confront with in the near future and also hopefully keep knocking down one by one , or even the soothsayers could predict but definitely, the medical experts could speak authoritatively about these “waves”. However, the UT Government has right from now started muscling up in facing the third wave. Perhaps, learning some lessons from the gaps in the preparedness in meeting the current or the second wave , the Government has started taking stock of the required medical and administrative infrastructure, well in advance. We commend the decision of the UT Government in constituting a committee with professional and expert members from medical science on it to prepare an Action Plan for tackling the third COVID wave in its totality and taking into account every possible means to fight it out and save people which includes aggressive vaccination drive and arrangements for oxygen, equipment , medicines and professional man power. Checking the spread of infections thoroughly should be the foremost agenda of the committee especially in respect of rural areas which are vulnerable . We wish the third wave to never ever be any reality but if it is expected , meeting the challenge with preparations from now itself, would prove very effective.