
Thursday  May  27-2021

Aries : Ganesha advises you to look before you leap. One hasty decision may undo a lot of hard work accomplished over a long period of time. After a tense morning, you may simply want an evening with kids, helping them grow the Dahlias.

Taurus : This day you are going to be particularly conscious of your beliefs and principles. You will be very proud and sensitive, and are not likely to brook any adverse comment or criticism. Anyone who dares to question or deride them will get a fitting response from you. Ganesha, however warns you to be more tolerant of others’ views and beliefs. Intolerance, particularly in the form of sharp and acidic retorts, could alienate some important persons.

Gemini : You have been aching to arrange a family reunion or get-together at your house. Well, today is the perfect day to do it. And why just family? You are also likely to invite some of your close friends and important business associates over to your place. Your spouse will enjoy the company of your loved ones.

Cancer : Your way of talk today will be such that it can cause misunderstanding. In a fit of emotion, you will take a hasty decision. You will regret the same in future, but you will also get a chance to rectify the same. So, says Ganesha, do not take a any ad hoc or temporary decision but a firm decision.

Leo : You will try to finish your tasks as per schedule and will also be able to earn well. You will benefit from the influence of high ranking officials. They will appreciate your dedication. A promotion may come your way. You will reap the rewards of your hard work, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Ganesha advises you to keep your distance from partnership ventures. You are much better off all alone and have the ability to quell the stampede. Left to yourself, you are the best manager of your sphere of work. Ganesha says today you will garner the support of people by uniting them under you for achieving greater success.

Libra : Today is the day when you seem to agree with everything that people say, without striking even a note of criticism. It’s just one of those days when you are amazed by all things around you. Such an elastic approach will enable you to be reasonable in your views and sensible in your ways. Ganesha wishes you the very best.

Scorpio : It may have been on the cards for long and finally, you may end up buying a state-of-the-art motor vehicle or a palatial house of your dreams today. In addition, your generous mood may also egg you on to buy an expensive gift for your life partner. If you do not let the generosity burn a hole through your pocket, you may have an overall satisfying day, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Round and round they tumble, the wheels of life, smoothly gliding into a routine. You may spend your day in discontent due to the rut of regular activities. Sadly, there is little hope or adventure Ganesha foresees that might make this day worthwhile for you. There will be glimpses of excitement in the evening but on the whole, it will be nothing to write home about.

Capricorn : The day calls for making amends and undoing the damage done to relationships, so you will most likely focus on improving rapport with relatives and peers, says Ganesha. But despite your affable approach, family feud may occur. Keeping obnoxious neighbours at bay will save you some trouble.

Aquarius : You may fall in love today! If single, romance colours your day with a rainbow. If married, you may enjoy a quiet but romantic evening with your spouse. Ganesha says that if nothing else, it’s a good time to pour over your photo albums and float in nostalgia.

Pisces : To get away from your daily tasks you will concentrate on entertainment, fun and rest today. You will feel like a free bird today. In all this also some important task will need your attention today. Ganesha says you feel nice as things around you change.