52 Education Zones, 121 HSSs, 348 High Schools lying headless in Jammu region

Five districts without CEOs
Gopal Sharma
JAMMU, June 6: Notwithstanding the tall claims of ensuring massive development in each sector, the worst ever neglect has been witnessed in the Education sector in Jammu and Kashmir, post abrogation of Art 370, as 52 Education Zones out of total 97, 121 Govt Higher Secondary Schools and 348 High Schools are lying headless in Jammu region for long while five districts of the region are without Chief Education Officers (CEOs).
Official sourfes told the Excelsior that not only COVID pandemic, but attitude of neglect on the part of top officers at the helm of affairs in the School Education Department for the last over two years, has been responsible for the worst deteriorating condition of the Education system in the UT. It appears that Education has remained least priority for the LG’s Administration here.
With many posts of Education Officers lying vacant, the subordinate staff and the students community is badly suffering. They are unable to get certificates or other documents required for higher education or seeking jobs/ recruitment in security forces. Even for want of DDOs, the salary of teaching and other non-teaching staff is not being disbursed in time. Other routine works have also derailed. In many Education Zones and Higher Secondary Schools/ High Schools the DDO powers have been accorded to other officials having more than 2-3 charges. Many funds remain non-disbursed or un-utilized due to non-placement of these officers. But the condition in Kashmir region is also not so pleasant, the sources revealed.
Unfortunately, important Jammu district, even Udhampur, Kathua, Samba and Poonch are without District Education heads. After the retirement of CEOs at these places last month, the new CEOs were not posted there by the Government. DIET Kathua and Samba Institutes are also lying headless for the last few months and even no DyCEO has been placed at Kathua there to run the affairs of Education Department. Out of the total 97 Education Zones in Jammu region, 52 have been left headless for the reason best known to the people at the helm of affairs.
Worst is the condition in district Reasi, where among all the six Education Zones, not even a single ZEO has been posted. All the six posts are lying vacant there for the last several months. Out of the total 30 Higher Secondary Schools in Reasi, in 16 such Schools no Principal has been posted. And out of the 75 Govt High Schools, 50 such schools are without Headmasters, the sources said.
In Udhampur district of the region, out of the 11 posts of ZEOs, 10 are lying vacant. These Education Zones are- Udhampur, Ramnagar, Chenani, Pancheri, Dudu, Majalta, Ghordi, Jib, Tikri and Babey. There is no CEO in the district, while, out of the 52 Higher Secondary Schools, 12 are headless. There are total 107 Govt High Schools in Udhampur district, out of which, 22 are without Headmasters.
While in Jammu district, the Government was yet to post a CEO, but out of the 14 Education Zones in the district, half (7) are lying headless. Seven Govt Higher Secondary Schools, out of the total 107 are also without Principals here. 40 High Schools are without Headmasters out of the total 160 in the district. Even no ZEO has been placed at important Gandhinagar, Satwari, Miran Sahib, Akhnoor, Nagrota-Dansal Zones of Jammu district, an Education Officer said.
In Rajouri district, while CEO has been placed with additional charge of Poonch, but out of the 54 Higher Secondary Schools, 10 are headless. Out of the 15 Education Zones in the district, five are without the posting of ZEOs while 38 High Schools are without Headmasters there out of the total 113 in the district, the sources added.
In Poonch district, out of the total 11 Education Zones, five are without ZEOs; 11 Govt Higher Secondary Schools out of the total 33 are lying headless whereas, 28 High Schools are without Headmasters out of the total 73 High Schools in the district.
Like other districts, the condition of Education Sector in Doda district is also not different. Out of the total 51 Govt Higher Secondary Schools in Doda, 29 are without Principals. 53 Govt High Schools are headless out of the total 86, while three Education Zones out of the total 10, are lying headless in the district.
Similarly, in Kishtwar district, out of seven Education Zones, five are lying headless; nine Higher Secondary Schools out of total 22 are without Principals while 27 Govt High Schools out of the total 47, are lying headless in the district.
In Ramban, while the post of CEO has been filled up, but four Education Zones out of total six, are lying headless. There are total 59 Govt High Schools in the district but 33 are lying without Headmasters.
In Samba district of Jammu region, besides one CEO and one post of ZEO out of five, are also lying vacant. Out of 22 Govt Higher Secondary Schools in Samba, seven are headless while nine Govt High Schools are without Headmasters out of the total 43 in the district, the sources added.
Director School Education, Jammu, Ravi Shanker when contacted said that after taking charge he initiated conduct of DPC of Senior Lecturers and many vacant posts of Principals in HSSs were filled up in the recent past. The Director claimed that he had initiated the process of promotion/ DPC/ placement of senior Masters grade teachers/ZEOs. Within next 4-5 months this process will be completed and most of the vacant posts filled up.
Regarding vacant posts of CEOs, he said, order in this regard is being issued within couple of days. Replying to a question with regard to delay in releasing salaries of staff and DDO powers, the Director said against vacant posts of ZEOs/ Principals, the DDO powers have been accorded to some other nearby station Education officers so that routine work do not suffer. He hoped to fill up of all these posts by maximum six months.