
Firday June 21-2013   

Aries : You are very sensitive, and some people will disturb your peace of mind today. However, getting irritated will only make matters worse. Reflect in isolation what may be at the root of the problem. Ganesha says it is closer to you than you think.

Taurus : Today, says Ganesha, you will are likely to encounter someone who is bent upon provoking and getting on your nerves. You are urged not to retaliate and do things unbecoming of your good nature. Keep calm and unruffled. Respond and behave in a manner befitting your better nature. Do not allow the other to spoil your composure, your graciousness. Your goodness, decency will, ultimately, prevail.

Gemini : You will be in an extremely emotional and romantic mood today. You may be worried about your personal relations, health, diet, career etc. You need to guard against giving into excessive stress and worry and look after your health, says Ganesha.

Cancer : The day is very favourable, says Ganesha. You will feel a sense of joy and happiness with your valuable possessions. You may fall into love or have a strong romantic ties with someone. A great time for lovers. Ganesha foresees chance of having new contacts and ties.

Leo : You will be busy on the work front today. It is a good day for those who are self-employed. Housewives will remain extremely busy with household matters. You will be able to work according to your desire though, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Close members of your family and friends will take up most of your time today. Students will have to pay more attention to studies as exams are upcoming, and they will have to learn to balance study and free time. Ganesha says today is a good time to buy property. All in all, it is a day when you can afford to relax and let your mind pursue its interests.

Libra : Ganesha says today will be a wonderful day and bring forth a breakthrough for you. You shall get to know and learn a lot from top most officials and elderly people. The higher ups in your office will give you good support today. Ganesha warns you to stay away from judicial proceedings or pleadings, as today is not a good day for fighting court battles.

Scorpio : ìIt’s a dream come true,î you may utter these words in surprise today, feels Ganesha. Your palatial home is ready or you may just get the keys of your much desired vehicle. You may have an extended celebration by receiving or giving gifts to your closed ones. However, make sure you do not make a hole in your pocket.

Sagittarius : No wonder, if you feel like you are stuck in a rut. Your energy level and enthusiasm has gone for a toss due to mundane routine. Unfortunately, your stars too seem to be lazy today, and there’s nothing on the cards that can cheer you up. Ganesha advises to let the day pass calmly and wait for a better tomorrow.

Capricorn : At times you are very direct in your approach and often end up hurting your near ones badly. Today, you’ll bandage some old wounds and make efforts to restore old relationships, says Ganesha. But, your struggle to improve rapport may not be as successful as you want it to be. Stay away from those neighbours who just want to add fuel to the fire in your family conflicts, advises Ganesha.

Aquarius : The cupid may strike you today! The singles may feel the energy and excitement of budding romance. Equally blissful day for the married couples, too, as they will spend quality time with each other. Go down the memory lane, go through some photo albums and cherish those long lost moments, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Unexpected expenses are likely to crop up today. There are strong indications that you will set out upon a journey or a picnic to some nearby place, without too much prior planning. However, the journey will be comfortable and your travel plans will go off without a hitch. Even if you donít undertake any travel today, you will find yourself poring over the memories of your earlier sojourns, says Ganesha.