Disrespect to National Anthem

This refers to the news item “K.U. students remain seated during National Anthem” published in this paper on 18th June.
The studnets and staff members of Kashmir University who have shown disrespect to the national anthem on the visit of Chief Justice of India have done a great dis-service to the people of Kashmir who happen to visit other status of India as students, traders missionaries or tourists. This attitude of a few people of Kashmir origin sends wrong signals about what people of the Valley in general think about the national anthem, Indian sub-continent and its might. Instead of insulting the national anthem such anti people elements of Kashmir should keep themselves away from the functions where themselves away from te functions where national anthem is likely to be played so that those Kashmiries who want to enjoy the pride of Indian Citizenship together with the State citizenship do not feel hurt. The politicians who are part of such gatherings have a duty to perform in the interest of the natives of the Valley.
Yours etc….
S.K. Rekhi (Senior)
Gandhi Naga