CEC expresses concern over drastic climate change in Ladakh

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, June 22: The 2nd annual LEAF (Ladakh Students’ Environmentals Action Forum) stakeholders meeting was held here today the chairmanship of CEC, LAHDC, Leh Rigzin Spalbar.
LEAF which is a joint collaborated initiative by all the major student associations of Ladkah is working for conservation and protection of environment since last year.
Among those who attended the meeting were MLC, Leh Norboo Gyaltson, President Ama Tsogspa Leh, President Anjuman Moin-ul-Islam, Programme Manager at Commonwealth Secretariat Stanzin Dawa, Dr. Tsewang Namgyal and presidents and representative of student union from Delhi, Chandigarh, Jammu and Leh.
The representative of LEAF apprised the meeting that they are going to conduct mass awareness on 6th July at Jivetsal showcasing LEAF Stalls, Model Display, Photo Exhibition, screening of environment, documentary movies and will also distribute free eco-friendly bags focusing maximum number of people followed by awareness programs on 8th July in Leh.
Welcoming the encouraging initiatives and deep concerns of LEAF towards the environment of Ladakh for its conservation and protection, CEC Rigzin Spalbar said that it is always a better choice to come upon a common consensus involving all sections of communities and organizations by adopting a device and system rather waiting for a  Law/Acts  to save the fragile environment of Ladakh, adding that each and every Ladakhi  must take collective responsibility.
Expressing his serious concern over the drastic climate change in Ladakh since past few decades, CEC said that though climate change is a common concern and big challenge of entire world but when it comes to Ladakh’s environment, it is the prime duty of Ladakhi people to act locally and young educated students have to play a very crucial role to spread awareness about environment across Ladakh region.
Spalbar said, “we must have our future by choice not by chance”. He suggested LEAF to focus Leh area including colonies while conducting environment awareness saying that people living in villages are more conscious about their environment than people living in city and assured his utmost cooperation to LEAF in all respects.
Giving his valuable suggestions, Programme Manager  Commonwealth Secretariat Stanzin Dawa suggested to introduce environmental education in schools to  make coming generation  aware  about environment  and also emphasized upon  regulation of traffic in Leh with close monitoring  and  regular check over pollution by vehicles.
Earlier, Dr. Tsewang Namgyal through his power point presentation shared his knowledge and research about the climate change and other environment issues in context with Ladakh.
MLC, Leh Norboo Gyalchan also spoke on the occasion.