Bharat Nagar residents’ concern over non functional tube well

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 4: A meeting of Bharat Nagar Enclave, Bantalab Welfare Committee was held under the chairmanship of M.K.Pandita, its president in which grave concern was expressed over the non functioning of 500 feet deep tube well constructed by ERA near the Over Head Tank in the area.
The meeting expressed resentment over the irregular supply of drinking water to the households despite the matter having been brought to the notice of higher authorities including Rajiv Bhatnagar, Advisor to Lt. Governor and Chief Engineer Jal Shakti Department, time and again.
The meeting made an appeal to Lt. Governor, Manoj Sinha to order an enquiry into the non-functioning of the 500 ft deep tube.
It also urged the Lt. Governor to direct the concerned authorities to ensure the regular water supply to the area as hard earned money of the residents is being spent on purchase of water tankers from private operators.
It appealed the Chief Engineer, PDD to install a separate electric line to the pumping station situated at Bharat Nagar Bantalab.