China says want to ‘break new ground’ with India

NEW DELHI : Mr Yang Jiechi, who took over as the Special Representative (SR) of China on boundary dispute, today said his country was ready to “break new ground” with India on the border talks.
According to reports from Beijing, Mr Yang met National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon in Beijing for the 16th round of the border negotiations.
He said Premier Li Kiang’s visit to India last month had “injected fresh and strong momentum” into the relationship of the two countries.
“I stand ready to work with you to build on the work of our predecessors and break new ground, to strive for the settlement of
the China-India boundary question and to make greater progress in the China-India strategic and cooperative partnership in the new period,” he added.
Mr Menon in his remarks said both countries were holding talks at a moment when India-China relations had achieved a momentum and
were moving in the right direction.
“It is our conviction that we are at a moment of strategic opportunity for this relationship,” Mr Menon said.
The border talks are being held in the backdrop of a changed leadership at helm of affairs in China and the recent tension in the relations of the two countries due to the incursion by the Chinese troops in Depsang in Ladakh sector. (AGENCIES)