Apni Party, Vision Kashmir delegations call on RRC

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 26: The delegation of Apni Party Displaced Kashmiri Pandit leaders and representatives of Vision Kashmir called on Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner, T K Bhat here and apprised him of various issues of the displaced Pandits.
The coordinators of displaced KPs of the party Vinod Pandit and Sanjay Dhar called on RRC on the instructions of party general secretary, Vijay Bakaya and discussed various issues of displaced Pandits with him which included covering of Kashmiri migrants living in Udhmpur under Ayushman Bharat scheme, repairing and renovation of migrants quarters at Jammu, regular supply of drinking water in all camps, construction of boundary wall at Natnosoo camp, Kupwara, proper drainage system in all camps, accommodation to all PM package employees, speedy construction of quarters, setting up of first aid centers at transit camps in Valley and enhancement of monthly cash relief to Rs 25000.
The Vision Kashmir delegation led by Sunil Fotedar highlighted the problems of over aged youth. It expressed concern over the over the plight of overaged youth who are only dependent on cash doles for their survival and said Rs 3250 provided to them by Government is not sufficient in view of the sky rocketing of prices. They demanded that the same be increased to Rs 5000 per person per month to meet the daily expenses.
The Relief Commissioner assured them that the issue is being taken up with concerned authorities in the Government. The other members of the delegation included Sanjay Zutshi, Ramesh Sopori, Sanjay Chowgami, Ashok Bhat, Vinod Koul, Anil Mattoo, Raja Ji Kakroo and Bharat Pandita.