PHDCCI for logistic development, economic growth in J&K

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 30: While discussing the issues and challenges faced by the logistics sector in J&K, a webinar on “Integrated development of Logistics in J&K” was organized by PHD Chamber Of Commerce & Industry J&K here today.
The Virtual event was graced by Ranjan Prakash Thakur (IRTS), Principal Secretary, Industries and Commerce J&K Government; Pradeep Multani , senior vice president PHDCCI, Rahul Sahai Chairman PHDCCI-Jammu; Vipin Vohra Co-Chairman PHDCCI Logistics Committee & Chairman; Baldev Singh Raina Chairman PHDCCI-Kashmir, Amarjit Kukreja, Sanjay Aggarwal, Co-Chairman, PHDCCI Jammu , Kuldeep Gupta, Co-Chairman PHDCCI Jammu, Mushtaq Ahmad Chaya, Mentor PHDCCI Kashmir, Rakesh Wazir, Mentor PHDCCI Jammu, Arun Gupta, President, Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Jammu, Neeraj Anand, National vice president, CAIT, Manish Khandelwal, Vikram Mahajan and SD Singh Charak.
RP Thakur disclosed that lot of work in the Logistic infrastructure development of J&K with major process reforms with deemed approval timelines, under best single window clearance system of the country is coming up in J&K besides two inland container depots and Dry port each in Jammu and Srinagar. He said that the entire logistic ecosystem of J&K is under major transformation with critical all weather train and road connectivity with major boost to development of infrastructure in logistic sector.
Talking about the challenges and issues faced by warehousing and logistic hub Transport Nagar Jammu he informed that the department was well aware of it. There is future possibility for development of this area as Logistic hub of J&K. Thakur further added that legal lacunas for acquiring land for industrial and logistic development and change of land use are flagged at higher level and we are addressing the issues on priority for all procedural issues.
Rahul Sahai said there is need to get all the regulators and stakeholders together for ensuring seamless working and development of the logistics sector. He also mentioned that there is a need for better roads and illumination systems; improvement of sanitation and overall improvement and development of Transport Nagar Jammu. He proposed that Transport Nagar should be developed as Model Logistics hub of J&K.
Pradeep Multani deliberated on the importance of logistics sector for J&K and praised the Principal secretary for various initiatives taken by UT government for development of Logistic Sector of J&K. He further added that improved logistics will be a game changer in the creation of jobs in Jammu and Kashmir. Multani said that the concerted effort in collaboration with UT Government, stakeholders and investors needs to be initiated for simplifying the regulatory processes in both domestic and EXIM logistics.
Vipin Vohra mentioned that logistics play an important role for development of a region. He stated that development of cold storage, ware houses, pack houses, sort houses and Air freight stations and also reduction in transhipment cost are essential to develop the logistic sector of J&K.
Arun Gupta (JCCI) and Neeraj Anand (CAIT) talked about sufferings of people of Transport Nagar and requested Ranjan Prakash to visit the area, Both appreciated PHDCCI for this effort .
Baldev Singh Raina and Mushtaq Chaya said that covid-19 pandemic has impacted all businesses. They mentioned that J&K is fast changing and very vibrant in terms of development of industry under landmark decisions and support by the administration at all fronts. Rakesh Wazir and Sanajy Aggarwal also spoke on the occasion.