Bad weather, rain disrupt Amarnath pilgrimage

SRINAGAR :  Bad weather and rain disrupted pilgrimage to Holy Amarnath cave shrine from Baltal and Nunwan Pahalgam base camps for some time today.
Pilgrims undeterred by rain and bad weather left Baltal base camp at 0530 hrs this morning, a yatra control room official said.
However, the pilgrimage had to be stopped at 0830 hrs because of heavy rains, he said, adding that there was still light rain but the pilgrims are now marching towards the cave shrine.
“If roads would become slippery due to more rains, we will stop yatra,” he said.
Similarly, yatra was going on from Nunwan Pahalgam route also, official said, adding that only those yatris, who have valid ‘ yatra permit’ for today, were being allowed to move towards next halting station at Chandanwari.
He said pilgrims will be allowed from both Baltal and Pahalgam routes till 1100 hrs, and then the exact number of yatris leaving for Holy Cave will be known.
Defence ministry spokesperson Naresh Vij said  GoC Chinar Corps Lt General Gurmit Singh reviewed overall security arrangements made for the pilgrimage.
He lauded all security agencies for the synergised efforts made by them towards security arrangements and other faciliies to meet various contingencies.
Mr Naresh said the Chinar Corps Commander visited the holy cave yesterday and paid obeisance on behalf of Chief of the Army Staff, the Northern Army Commander and entire Chinar  Corps to seek blessings of Lord Shiva.
Lt Gen Singh, the Security Advisor to state government, inspected the overall security arrangements.
GoC Chinar Corps interacted with troops of Army and other security  forces deployed for the security of Yatra and appreciated them for their dedication and thoroughness towards putting up the security apparatus in place in harmony.
The General Officer said, “Passion for our Profession and Compassion for our Yatris is the motive of the Army  deployed to facilitate the successful conduct of Yatra.”
He said, “15 Corps is a reflection of India and Kashmiri Awaam, it is our solemn responsibility to ensure smooth conduct of  Yatra.”
The troops were highly motivated with the visit of Corps Commander, are geared up to put in their best and prepared to meet any contingency, he said.