Retired but not tired

O P Modi
The retirement age of 58 or 60 is the norm for most of the Government servants.  However, for employees of the private companies persons are retired at the age of even 65; depending upon their ability and necessity of the organization they serve. Most of the retirees mentioned in the following paragraphs are in good health and are fit physically and mentally to continue to serve. Yet in a way it is correct to retire people as is the practice presently. If they are not retired the younger employees’ chance to serve in a senior position would be lost. However, after retirement at the age of 58 or 60 what are they going to do? Sit idle at home and become a ‘nuisance’ for the spouse!  Here is a case in point.
Recently Nihal Chand (name changed) retired as Executive Engineer. His staff and colleagues arranged a farewell party in a restaurant to wish him and his family a happy retired life. His colleagues narrated some funny episodes that took place during their career.  One of the invitees told an interesting episode of his career. He, said,” When I was posted as Deputy Commissioner I had a peon who used to give me a Mogul style slam every time I came out of the office. But on the last day of my service when after handing over the charge I came out of the office he did not even get up from his seat!” Every one had a hearty laugh and party went on in a merry atmosphere. Those were happy moment but from the bottom of his heart Nihal Chand felt gloomy. The party ended and he was garlanded by all. Then everyone went up to his door step and once again wished him and his family well being and happiness.
As he and his family entered their home an atmosphere of unhappiness over took him. His wife went to the kitchen and his two sons who were working in different companies left for their job. There was no one else except his wife in the home. He called her and asked her to sit near him. He said.” Now tell me how do you feel?”. She said she felt normal but was worried about his future. Yes that was the main consideration and he too realized that he had to seek advice from his well-wishers. Next morning Nihal Chand got up early as usual got ready and left to see his friend Dr. Gupta who had retired as Director Health Services.
Dr. Gupta said, “Nihal Chand although you are retired you look fit and fine but I would advise you that instead of going for any business or seeking employment in some private company you should serve some humanitarian cause”. Dr. Gupta then cited the examples of his colleagues who too were serving the children of the S O S Village. He told him that there are other retired gentlemen and ladies like  who have retired from engineering and other departments. There is Mr Sharma too, who retired as a senior forest officer. All of them are noble human beings who are rendering selfless service to the destitute children of the S O S Home. “Service before self” is the principle that all of them follow. “Nihal Chand you too should seek to serve some social cause. That would be the most honorable employment one should think of after retirement.”
It is also well known that the inmates of Viridh Ashram Ambphalla, Jammu are being devotedly looked after by Retired people. That is not all. In Jammu itself more NGOs are working for the welfare of destitute men, women and children. Most of them have never sought publicity.