Communication for Development Challenges ahead for LG

Prof. Bachha Babu
August 6, 2021 marks the second anniversary of the abrogation of Article 370 and Article 35-A of Indian constitution, which was granting some “special rights” to the State of Jammu and Kashmir. But in JK, there are clear divisions among social classes “Privileged class” and “Common masses”. The “Special rights” also hold different meanings for different classes. The political manoeuvring of the privileged class seemed dependent on continuation of turmoil, which somehow gave them legitimacy to operate and project themselves as bridge between public and the administration.
The intervention of non-state actors, the role of separatist forces most of whose activities were channelized from Pakistan, also played a key role to keep the pot of turmoil boiling. These separatists have deep links with a section of privileged political class and implicitly help each other to remain relevant. Peace continues to elude while the violence perpetuated on behalf of outside forces continued to consume precious lives, especially of youth who doesn’t belong to the privileged class. Despite that, the privileged class continues to claim as helpful in maintaining peace and become self-proclaimed bridges to facilitate communication between the public and the administration but failed in last three decades. After reading down the contentious Articles, the Union started direct communication, removing the privileged class, the self proclaimed “bridge” or “barrier” in communication. In this backdrop Manoj Kumar Sinha assumed the office of Lieutenant Governor on 7th of August 2020.
Being known as Vikas-Purush, he is known for maintaining a low profile and his tenure of last one year speaks literally the qualities mentioned in his profile, having a strong ability to connect with masses, a firm administrator, quick decision maker and delivery oriented. Before coming to JK, PM had told Sinha two things. One was the need to communicate more and more with ordinary people while second was strengthening of Panchayati Raj Institutions. The Three-tier Panchayati Raj system is already in place for the first time in JK’s history. Through the lens of a communication scholar, one can see the dedication shown by Sinha in the implementation of the first suggestion of PM regarding communication with ordinary people which is spelt in the last one year. His one year rule speaks a lot about methods of communication adopted for JK’s development and in general sense I am proposing to call it Communication for Development of Jammu and Kashmir.
B2V; A direct way of communication
Launched in the year 2019 the Back to Village (B2V) was designed to foster a direct contact between public and government. Each gazetted officer was assigned a gram-panchayat where he/she has to stay for at-least two days and one night and would have to interact with panchayats representatives, elders, local populace to get feedback. LG Sinha monitored the third phase and made it mandatory to carry out at-least two developmental works in each panchayats which translated into over 8500 developmental works in 4290 panchayats. Moreover, in a direct form of communication and public participation, Sinha made it clear that the developmental works would not be decided by the officials but by the panchayats and the people. He also realised that a two days programme would not be able to resolve the public issues and introduced an innovation in the form of “Jan Abhiyaan”- a 21-day pre-B2V programme under which District Collectors were directed to listen to the public complaints each day from 10 AM to 11:30 AM while on Wednesdays they were directed to go to block headquarters to listen to public grievances.
Communication through development projects
Apart from verbal and non-verbal forms of communication with the masses, the development projects seem to be another way of communicating with the masses. At present in JK projects worth around Rs. 55 thousands Crores are under implementation. Some projects are IITs, IIMs, two central universities, two AIIMS, Medical colleges, tunnels, tallest railway bridge over Chenab river, Express highways beside others. The detractors can argue that most of these projects were sanctioned during previous regimes but there is another point to ponder upon. There were many projects in JK sanctioned decades back but failed to complete. Delaying a project was beneficial for many politicians as well as contractors, who usually get additional funds in lieu of completing the projects and also provide kickbacks to the involved officials and politicians. JK was at the top of the most corrupt states’ list while completing projects was never a priority here. The way projects have been implemented on time, removing possibilities of corruption can be construed as another way of communicating with the masses, which will be benefited by the utility of these projects.
Communication through industrial development
Industrial growth is an important pillar of development of any State, Union Territory or Nation in the capitalist driven economies. For industrial growth investment holds the key and in Jammu and Kashmir despite vast potential and abundance of natural resources the industrial growth continues to be minimal. The LG Sinha led administration has launched a New Industrial policy according to which the government has entailed a 300 percent subsidy on GST that too when the production will start. The UT is expecting investments of over Rs. 20,000 Crores along with the generation of 5 Lakh jobs. The constitution of land banks, infrastructure, GST concessions, single window clearance of all industrial related cases will go a long way in the industrial growth of UT. The industrial growth will ultimately help to eradicate poverty, unemployment and move the UT.
Mission Youth
The UT administration has unveiled “Mission Youth”, primarily focussing on youth and is likely to benefit over 50,000 youth. The youth of J&K will be engaged to hone their skills to start their own ventures while over 20,000 youth are targeted to impart them sports training and make them professionals in sports. Over 3000 meritorious students will be benefited for coaching facilities, educational support and other opportunities. Specifically for Women, “Hausla scheme” for women entrepreneurs is launched, which is aimed at promoting their potential and enabling them a wider reach of their products and services.
Action against militancy and stone pelters
The stone pelting incidents were common during elected governments but for the last two years no such incident has been reported. The stone pelting had consumed several precious lives but elected governments had failed to curb it. All the apprehensions about increase in stone pelting after 370’s revocation have so far been proved wrong in last two years. Why the elected government had failed to contain the incidents of stone-pelting is a significant question. Did they lack the intention or have something related with it only they can reply aptly but the last two years revealed that if the intentions are clear the stone pelting, strikes could be stopped. Now consider the question of militancy related incidents, once again the intention comes under serious scrutiny. Why the cycle of violence including militant killings, strikes over funeral processions of militants, evocative speeches before youth by the militants appeared during processions, police action which led to new recruits. It is quite appreciable that this cycle is stopped under LG’s rule.
Speaking tough against corruption
During the tenure of elected governments, JK had several anti-graft agencies, which had reputation of delaying cases and punish only few. Applications, appeals, complaints against the corrupt officials continue to linger on for years together without any results but now the Anti-graft agencies have been taking steps against all types of officials of the government with enquiries completed in time bound manner. If these same agencies would have been activated without any pressure the corruption level in the State would not be like as it was.
Some challenges
Though the LG’s performance is unparalleled but there are challenges for him to negotiate cautiously. The District Development Councils (DDCs) are in place but the full empowerment is still pending while the members had also threatened mass-resignation. Conducting elections for three tiers of panchayati Raj system is definitely a good beginning but if the elected representatives would not be satisfied, there are possibilities that good work done might not hold for long. Moreover if the reports of DDC members confined to hotels in Kashmir valley are correct then providing them a peaceful atmosphere to exercise their constitution rights is another challenge.
The second challenge is dignified return of Kashmiri Pandits who have been waiting for the last over 30 years. The process of providing jobs as well as construction of quarters has accelerated but until they are not be resettled back to their homes, it will remain a challenge.
The third is the transition of UT into State as well as conduct of Assembly Elections. Despite LG’s limited role in both the issue, the Union is not going to take decisions without LG’s consultation and agreement. The beginning has already started as the role of LG in organizing meeting of PM with all party delegation could not be ruled out.
(The author is faculty at Dept of Mass Communication & New Media Central University of Jammu )