Woes of oldies

The springs never stay and the autumns never go making human life pleasant and miserable. Where evening of life comes, every dearest of the dear is left in the lurch. In the solitary journey only good or bad deed accompany the soul. With dissolution of joint family system, the agencies of elders have multiplied manifold. In this race of run and hurry, the sons and daughters find no time for their parents. Heart melts when the elders in a family are seen saying that how nice it would have been had they died well before of the age of troubles and disrespect. Actually all this has happened is due to extreme materialism and self-centredness prevailing these days. The golden legends of love, sacrifice and obedience where in  Sarvankumara had carried his blind old parents on shoulders to various places of pilgrimage perhaps have totally vanished. The old age homes are glaring examples of erosion in moral values, love and affection for elders in these days. Not only family parameters have been broken in serving the elders even in social domain the senior citizens with feeble legs and spectacled eyes are seen standing in queues on bank counters and other places of public domain. In the conditions, cultivation of moral and ethical culture is of paramount necessity for  mitigation of woes this multitude of humanity suffers.
Yours etc…..
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri, Sunderbani