Discrepancies in Jammu Master Plan impeding several mega projects

98 villages yet to be notified, no focus on framing of Zonal Plans

*Div Com for prompt revision to ensure holistic development

Mohinder Verma

JAMMU, Aug 11: Several glaring discrepancies in the Jammu Master Plan-2032 are impeding developmental activities including mega projects and unless revision exercise is carried out as per the laid down norms as early as possible the holistic development of Jammu cannot be ensured.
Among these projects are Jammu-Katra Expressway, Jammu-Akhnoor Road widening, Ring Road from Raya Morh to Nagrota and Jammu Metrolite Rail Projects.
The process for preparation of Master Plan of Jammu was initiated in the year 2011 by the Jammu Development Authority (JDA) through consultants and subsequently the task was completed in house by the JDA. Finally, the Master Plan was approved and notified by the Government vide SRO-90 dated March 3, 2017.
Recently, keeping in view the practical difficulties in the implementation of Master Plan, the Divisional Commissioner Jammu Dr Raghav Langar sought a report from Chief Town Planner, Jammu Development Authority, who vide Letter No.CTP/JDA/186-87 dated July 28, 2021 submitted that in many cases the land under the ownership of JDA has been shown as water body, nullah, open spaces, buffer spaces and forest uses etc in the Jammu Master Plan-2032.
“This has obviated the objective of the Jammu Development Department to carry out building, engineering and other operations to execute works in connection with the supply of essential services and amenities to improve living condition of the people for which land-use would have been carefully indicated without compromising with the green spaces as per required norms”, official sources told EXCELSIOR.
After careful examination of the report, the Divisional Commissioner Jammu has come to the conclusion that Jammu Master Plan-2032 requires revision and accordingly he has brought all the glaring discrepancies to the notice of Principal Secretary to the Government, Housing and Urban Development Department.
In the recent past, after reorganization of J&K State, amendments in the Development Act were made to pave the way for new development projects. The amendment reads: “Upon coming into operation of Master Plan or a Zonal Plan, the land use permitted in the area covered there-under shall only be as provided in terms of such Master Plan or Zonal Plan. The provisions of J&K Agrarian Reforms Act, 1976, J&K Land Revenue Act, 1996 or any other law for the time being in force requiring any permission to change the land usage of any land shall not be applicable to any land so covered”.
“The Government may, by notification in the official gazette, notify a scheme for levy of charges for use of land as permitted in the Master Plan or the Zonal Plan, the proceeds where shall for part of the fund of the Authority and may be used to defray the expenses incurred on acquisition of land”, the amendment further reads.
Stating that by virtue of this amendment the land-use envisaged in the Master Plan has superior role hence has to be exact and accurate, the Divisional Commissioner has conveyed to the Housing and Urban Development Department that some new projects launched within the local area of Jammu Master Plan-2032 having radiating effect (development corridors) on the overall scenario of the local area of Master Plan are Jammu-Katra Expressway, Jammu-Akhnoor Road widening and flyover, Ring Road from Raya Morh to Nagrota and Jammu Metrolite Rail Projects.
“The composite mixed land use regulations as envisaged in Jammu Master Plan will be an important factor along these transport corridors”, reads a communication of the Divisional Commissioner, the copy of which is available with EXCELSIOR.
Highlighting another discrepancy in the existing Master Plan, he said that 98 villages within the local area have not been notified till date although proposal in this regard has already been submitted by JDA to the Government. Moreover, representations have been received from time to time for some non-compatible uses in the peripheral areas of Master Plan where no construction is allowed as proposed land use allows purely agriculture and urban agriculture use.
In pursuance to Government order dated August 18, 2020 and subsequent discussions, a process was initiated to seek objections/suggestions from stake-holders vis-à-vis Jammu Master Plan. Subsequently, the committee examined the same and recommended modifications but for only small patches of land belonging to JDA. Moreover, there are certain discrepancies regarding super imposition of forest maps in Jammu Master Plan.
Pointing towards Section 8 of the J&K Development Act, 1970, the Divisional Commissioner has conveyed to the Housing and Urban Development Department that in the year 2018 the JDA initiated the process of preparation of Zonal Plans through outsourcing but till date the work on preparation of Zonal Plans has not been started.
“Town Planning Organization Jammu has already procured satellite imageries under AMRUT for local area of Jammu Master Plan from National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad and after vetting the data can be handed over to JDA as the same can be effectively used for revision of Jammu Master Plan-2032”, the Divisional Commissioner has further mentioned in the letter.
Though Section 7 of the J&K Development Act read with Section 13 of J&K Development Rules, 1976 states that Authority may amend the whole or any part of the Master Plan at the expiry of every five years yet there is also a provision which empowers the Authority to amend the Master Plan or any part at any time prior to the expiry of the period.
Keeping in view this provision, the Divisional Commissioner has submitted that the process of revision of Master Plan of Jammu-2032 may be initiated as per the laid down norms for holistic development of Jammu.