The question of ideology and affinity

Shiban Khaibri
The fact that a few Indian “Comrades” recently attended the celebrations of completion of 100 years of “service of the proletariat – the have-nots” of Chinese Communist Party at a time when Indian and Chinese Armies are continuing to be in combat positions, standing eyeball to eyeball with one another , when that country is, day in and day out, promoting and furthering confrontational neighbourhood policy and hegemonic dictatorship, when still there are positions where Chinese have not returned to original positions of status quo ante on many points on the Ladakh border, when the treachery of Galwan resulting in the martyrdom of our 20 brave hearts is indignantly disturbing us , when Pakistan sponsored terrorism is openly supported rather encouraged by China , when Taliban leadership is accorded red carpet treatment in Beijing and last but not the least, when China proved to be the lone biggest exporter of Wuhan virus to destabilise and cripple economies besides killing people in large numbers across the globe. The question , however, is why these Communist comrades do not love their own country, India as much as expected of them? While a debate was going on in respect of the subject of Indian Communist leaders Sitaram Yechurey and D.Raja , a DMK leader S. Senthill Kumar and All India Forward Bloc leader G. Devrajan taking active part in Chinese celebrations , on one of the TV channels, a “comrade” panellist was asked this question and requested by another ”non- comrade” panellist to say at least “Jai Hind” and “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” . He did not – nor his another comrade panellist but , yes, “Red Slam India” was said by this comrade, endorsed by his other comrade-in- arm. So much die hard and incontrovertible belief and projection about the obsolete Communist ideology, is astonishing .
The problem with most of the Indian communists is that they have nowhere to look around or bank upon except China for daydreaming to further their outdated political philosophy of bringing about ‘revolution’ to dethrone ”imperialistic capitalism” and have rule by peasants and workers or what they call the proletariat. However, their field is shrinking day by day coupled with Russia having bid farewell to communism and having bulldozed the statue of the very person who brought in communism there though soaked with blood and with liberty heavily fettered. Glasnost and perestroika replaced Stalinism because Corruption gained inroads into the Communist Party while millions of Soviet citizens faced starvation . Long queues for breads were seen as the gift to the proletariat by the Communist movement. Politburo became wealthiest and the common citizens for whom Marx had “invented” Communism became poorer . Soviet economy got isolated during the Eighties and in short, the Soviet Union ceased to exist on December 31, 1991. In other words, Indian Communists have no option in their own preferences of things but to look towards China , the only Communist country of the ranking. However, since the test of the pudding is in its eating , we fairly know all ”advantages” , era of ”peace and non -violence” coupled with ”economic prosperity and socialist parity” brought in by the long communist rule in West Bengal followed by Kerala and Tripura .
Unfortunately , Indian Communists have a peculiar history which conspicuously got manifest during 1962 Chinese aggression when undivided Communist Party of India had then fully backed China citing ideology and putting it above their own country. It may be recalled that in 1964 Communist Party of India split into two groups – CPI and CPI (Marxist) . While CPI went with Russia , CPI (M) went with China. One of the top leaders of Indian communists V. S. Achutanandan , an important CPM Politburo member, was sacked just for suggesting that the Party should organise a blood donation camp in 1962 for Indian soldiers and also for contributing some money from the proceeds of the prison ration as he was part of the Jail Committee in Thiruvananthapuram Central Jail where most of them had been lodged by the then government . He had suggested that noble idea, which in his opinion , would overcome the image of them being the agents of China . The stand of the veteran Comrade continued to be firm and he kept on pressing for the same till even a scuffle ensued between a ”more dedicated” communist O. J. Joseph and him so much so that the jail authorities had to intervene to ‘separate’ the two from close combat .
A drama of so called probe against Achutanand was enacted and he was sacked for being brazenly involved in compromising with the ideology of Marxism and the subsequent affinity with China. What is more shocking is that the CPM while sacking him charged him of having decided to donate blood to the jawans without consulting the party and his move ”amounted to helping the Indian government and hence the action was anti -party.” In other words, that means they openly advocated helping the aggressor and the usurper of vast parts of our territory . See the basic antagonism in respect of how Communist Parties of China and India are named. While it is Chinese Communist Party , it is on the other hand, Communist Party of India .
There were, of course, certain areas where the management of the ferocious second wave of COVID pandemic was unsatisfactory in most parts of the country which , however, was soon brought under control. However, overall management of the horrendous pandemic in this country has been far better than most of the much advanced countries both in terms of unfortunate deaths, positive and recovery rates , dedication of our medical personnel – warriors in fact – ,the vaccination drive – the largest in the world and subsequent rehabilitation and support base measures by the government but most of the opposition parties keep on routinely pillorying the government especially targeting the Prime Minister. Defaming the country internationally too on COVID management was not any bar for certain opposition parties. Healthy and constructive criticism , however, should come forth to lead and even compel the Government do better but when cheap politics even in dealing with pandemic is indulged in , it is the extreme of things. In such a scenario instead of sincerely suggesting and cooperating with the government , Communists even write praise songs for China.
While the entire world is facing the dreaded COVID virus pandemic , the well known Indian Communist leader Sitaram Yuchery was all praises for China which is otherwise considered as the villain maker of the virus. Says he, “The exemplary manner in which the People’s Republic of China tackled and contained the COVID pandemic, reopened its society and economy with the requisite precautions and put back the economy on a growth trajectory is a lesson for the world establishing the superiority of socialism as a system over capitalism.” Now , how much truth and sincerity is in these lines can be considered symbolic of what type of communism these leaders are preaching and how tactics like lies and window dressing are adopted to tell a thing “which is not”. Crux of the matter, however, which is proved by attending the Chinese function, is that priority and preference is for China while India is quite later for these type of leaders. How can any Indian forget that China’s border aggression is an assault on sovereignty and territorial integrity of India and any attempt to dilute, camouflage or misinterpret it overtly or covertly is tantamount to the advantage of the aggressor and any rhetoric or plea of pursuing ”similar ideology” or ”likeminded-ness” is totally unacceptable.