Various organizations hold joint protest at Akhnoor

People staging protest against BJP at Akhnoor on Monday.
People staging protest against BJP at Akhnoor on Monday.

‘Holiday on B’day of Maharaja Hari Singh’

Excelsior Correspondent

AKHNOOR, Aug 16: Various organizations along with members of civil society representing different social, cultural and linguistic organizations shared the stage to jointly protest against the failure of UT administration to declare holiday on birth day of Maharaja Hari Singh.
Several  participants questioned BJP for its betrayal, now, on the issue of declaring holiday on Maharaja’s birthday since the party had been forcefully raising and supporting this demand when out of power. Since UT administration is directly under the Centre during President’s rule, why did it fail to fulfil the popular demand of Dogra’s as Maharaja Hari Singh had signed the instrument of accession of State and it became an integral part of India.
Rajan Singh president Yuva Rajput Sabha while reiterating the demand for declaring holiday on birthday of Maharaja Hari Singh, recalled the great role of Dogra rulers in the making, shaping and expanding the Dogra State and that of Maharaja Hari Singh to accede the State to India but regretted that BJP failed to respect the sentiments of Dogra’s and betrayed the huge mandate by not declaring holiday on Maharaja’s birthday. This has exposed the opportunist politics of BJP.
Raghuvir Singh, president Shree Rajput Kerni Sena lauded the historical role of Maharaja Hari Singh under whose signatures the State became integral part of India but regretted that once again the Govt has failed to respect the sentiments of the people by not declaring holiday on his birthday ignoring the popular demand of Dogra’s. He declared to support the struggle in this regard by many quarters.
Prominent who were present included Bharat Bhushan Puchu, Soni Manhas, Ritesh Gupta, Digvijay Jamwal, Barinder Partap, Sourav Jamwal, Shubam Chib and others.