New India with new aspirations and goals

That there could be possibility of holding Assembly elections at an early date in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir was pointedly referred to by Prime Minister Narendra Modi while speaking from the ramparts of historic Red Fort on the country’s 75th Independence Day. Sharing with the people about the ”development on the ground” being now visible in the UT, his terming of giving fair opportunities to the potential of all as the real spirit of democracy, explains the reasons of Indian democracy getting strengthened day by day. Since Delimitation Commission having been constituted in the UT, expectations from which is submitting its recommendations by early next year or even before, would straightaway pave the way for holding the much longed for Assembly elections to have a fully representative Government preceded by brisk electioneering campaign by the contestants across the UT. Agreeably, such elections were to reflect the will of and the belief in the democratic process by the people as was amply proven by the elections to the District Development Councils , the first of its kind in the UT, about which the PM made a mention, terming it as also abrogation of Article 370, as the “country’s determination”. Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, the states in the eastern part of the country, the entire Himalayan belt , the coastal areas and tribal belt were going to be the base of India’s development in the future, was what the PM hoped. The scourge of cross border terrorism which this country has been facing for decades coupled with expansionist ambitions which, without naming the twin countries Pakistan and China, the PM declared that both the challenges were being met and fought courageously by the country. The concept of “New India” was not any slogan but a reality as is adequately felt by the two countries responsible for both the scourges, one got a retributive reply from this country by means of surgical strikes as also international isolation and the other on Ladakh borders virtually cut to its size. That was possible on account of a Resurgent India, New India, a United India and consequently a Strong India capable of taking “difficult decisions” as there was ample political will. That speaks for the entire globe seeing India in this new perspective but the fact of the matter is that strengthening our armed forces and reviewing constantly our security and defence related issues were imperative about which the PM assured the nation in no uncertain terms. Making India self reliant or ”Atmanirbhar” was all the more necessary which got its own importance and urgency on account of the Carona virus pandemic and various other factors and in that context , the Prime Minister underlined the factor of consistency in our efforts. Laying stress on two important aspects of the economy, the infrastructure and employment, the PM announcing slew of schemes and programmes were going to give a push to growth and development. Since development and growth can both be achieved progressively only by setting goals and targets, the next 25 years must be made an era or a period of glory for India, was what he said basing the same on new thresholds, aspirations and dreams in the run up to the centenary of our independence from the British colonial rule. The PM referred to the said period as “Amrit kaal”. A robust and modern infrastructure of the highest world quality as aspired for could be achieved definitely by the country as it had the requisite potential, tremendous human resources, natural resources and the growing technical know-how. For this, one of the contributing factors is that we do not unnecessarily get entangled in old and obsolete laws and procedures as they, very often, come in between delivery mechanism and speed coupled with taking timely decisions. In this context , the PM calling upon for constantly reviewing such rules and procedures with intent to doing away with them so that ”every process of hindrance ” for people and the country was removed, was need of the hour. Most of the time of his 90 minute speech, the Prime Minister dealt with issues of economic development in one or the other connected reference. Definitely, this country has less time and more goals to achieve, to make it in simple parlance, looking to higher aspirations to emerge as an economic and military power for which the PM exhorting the countrymen “for everyone to make a prayas” to achieve the set goals as the nation cannot “wait for long” is both inspirational and motivating. In other words, a clear message to bid adieu to lethargy, deferring, postponing , delaying and even dithering needs to be imbibed for everyone to put in one’s best . The present hour, rather the present minute , in fact – the present moment was the time to make a ”prayas” or a concerted effort, was made elaborative by the PM by reciting lines of a poem… “Yehi samai hai, sahi samai hai, Bharat ka anmole samai hai….” or this is the moment, the right moment , the country’s precious moment. Nothing would come out of counting failures and thus plunge into pessimism and not counting areas of stupendous successes or be positive in outlook. Every country has problems, even the most advanced ones, particularly astonishingly on employment front and India of its size and population, as a natural corollary, too has but we have a long list of achievements of decades, irrespective of speed and priorities. Corona pandemic and associated problems shook the entire world. It affected us too but in terms of all parameters, India managed better, resulting in less deaths on comparative basis vis-a- vis other countries of even shorter size, in positivity and recovery rates. Catering to the last person in the last queue being the aim of good governance has got to be percolated on the ground about which the PM told in his address. “Chota Kissan Baney Desh Key Shaan” ( Marginal farmer should become India’s pride) encompassing the concern for improving the lot of the country’s farmer – the immediate goal being doubling his income by 2024. As many as 54 crore people having got the anti corona vaccine jab till date was no mean achievement. Having developed indigenously manufactured vaccines in shortest possible time, again, was no ordinary feat about which the PM made a reference too. Though the economy got variedly impacted, yet recovering and simultaneously initiating recovery packages and schemes coupled with welfare measures especially for the hard hit, received due and prompt attention. The performance of our athletes in Tokyo Olympics was duly mentioned by the PM amidst applause by the huge audience and the participant players , for the first time, were invited and given proper seating zone to be vividly watched by the countrymen.