A vision of total transformation in J&K

History records events , memorable and unmemorable, and so is the case about the advent of democratic process at the grass root levels in Jammu and Kashmir in respect of totally violence free District Development Council (DDC) elections, and that also for the first time, conducted last year . Prior to that , elections to the Panchayats and the Urban Local Bodies had sounded the bugle for giving an adequately fair chance to democracy by the people . A new era , that of treading the path towards fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the common people , a change for the better, development and progress , got a new shape after scrapping of Article 370 and the ‘Special Status’. Taking everybody along , new milestones are achieved in respect of development odyssey. These were the words and the crux of the speech on the eve of the Independence Day of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha at Sher-e-Kashmir Cricket Stadium in Srinagar. There is no denying the fact that non- performance coupled with massive corruption had infested the administrative system with little concern for the issues related to the needs of the people. A vision of total transformation in the coming 25 years to take Jammu and Kashmir to higher zeniths of all pronged progress and development was in tune with aspirations for the centenary celebrations of Independence in 2047, the 75th year being traditionally the “trendsetter” , therefore, carries significant importance.
There may be divergence in views in so far as the winds of change having not only moved in proper direction but intensified in speed and consistency , but there will definitely be a uniformity in noting the change in mindset and the aspiration for living in peace, giving it as also the democratic process a fair chance by the people after a long pause which witnessed the obverse of all these positive factors. The zeal and the enthusiasm with which the Independence Day was celebrated across the nooks and corners of Jammu and Kashmir testifies the fact that the UT is poised for a new change , a new thinking and a changed perspective of static things . The Lieutenant Governor, on the solemn occasion reminded the people about Vajpayee’s doctrine of “Jamhooriyat” which , however, was not allowed to flourish on the ground for decades in Jammu and Kashmir and it was only in 2019 that the country’s Prime Minister marked the beginning of a new era for Jammu and Kashmir . However, watching mass participation of people in Jammu and Kashmir in totally violence free elections to the DDCs which were remarkably fair, transparent and peaceful, signalled all green and hope for the coming years .
The events like the Independence Day celebrations , however, are the occasions to fondly remember the brave soldiers of Army, para- military forces and Jammu and Kashmir Police who have kept the unity and the integrity of India protected and intact with their “amazing valour, courage and sacrifice”. Jammu and Kashmir Police has proved that it was second to none in discharging duties under the most trying circumstances and challenges and, therefore, having received as many as 257 gallantry awards including Ashok Chakra , Kirti Chakra and Shauriya Chakra on the eve of the Independence Day which all has made not only the people but also the Lieutenant Governor feel proud of the force for whom ” I salute all the gallant heroes of JK Police and the family members of the brave hearts who sacrificed their lives while defending the sovereignty and integrity of the country.”
It is noteworthy that the Lieutenant Governor declared that the administration was committed to make Jammu and Kashmir synonymous with success and the coming 25 years “are awaiting us with new ray of hope and fresh resolution for a new future.” Government’s commitment about ensuring “dignified return of Kashmiri Pandits to the valley” and different steps underway was also shared by the Lt. Governor on the occasion. Another notable step to rechristen various places and institutions in the memory of freedom fighters , brave soldiers and personnel from different fields with valuable contribution in the progress of Jammu and Kashmir would be really a great tribute to such persons.