The man made disaster

Shiban  Khaibri
William Shakespeare says,” Thou cutest my head off with a golden axe; and smilest upon the stroke that murders me”. That fits well into how much contribution, the follies and irreversible blunders deliberately committed by the human factor led to the death, disaster, destruction and horrible tragedies that struck Uttrakhand vis-à-vis the “char dham yatra”.  Glittering golden axe of fast economic development in an unplanned and haphazard manner, in a place with a fragile system of nature, dealt many a hard stroke to hundreds of thousands of people both in life and property in Uttrakhand. Agreed, we badly need economic development, with better and more roads, electricity and other infrastructure but while doing so, we cannot adopt a uniform model every where. Blasting of hills with thousands of detonators and explosives, tears apart the equilibrium, which nature creates and maintains in a perfect way. We cannot brazenly always not only continue to disobey nature but even try to undermine and ravage its things and secrets, otherwise all for the sustenance of the mankind. To recall the famous “Chipko” movement of 1970s and to reverentially salute that visionary Guara Devi , the pioneer of the Chipko or “hug” or “stick to”  movement, has proved very right and its stand fully vindicated by what a tragedy struck Uttrakhand   known as the “land of gods”. This beautiful part of the country is 93% mountainous and has more than 64% forest coverage.  Like all  Chipko slogans, was the one with more   inspirational appeal reading as :- “soil ours, water ours, ours are these forests too  – our forefathers raised these – it is we who must protect these too”. This slogan holds true for all times and ages if man wants to live in harmony with nature and environment and avert the fury of nature like that of June 16, 2014.
That a heavy turn over of pilgrims reportedly in  lacs  was allowed to undertake the challenging journey up to the highly revered pilgrimage of the “Protector and the Destroyer”  in one go and most of them, by fleets of cars, buses, and other vehicles even up to Gauri kund ,is just a tip of the ice berg in the entire macabre. Were these pilgrims registered any where and whether they were medically tested to be fit to undertake the pilgrimage to touch an altitude of 3568 meters? Were any types of advisories, suggestions, regulations or similar guidance provided to the pilgrims en-route up to Kedarnath? With what frequency there used to be the meetings and updates along with reviewing of measures to tackle natural calamities, by the members of the NIDM which otherwise is “committed” to develop a culture of prevention and preparedness ? Why it took days together for them to gear up to meet the unprecedented devastation of the nature’s fury in the valley of  Kedarnath? Why do we, as a matter of routine, wake up only when a tragedy strikes us and not before, like conventional reel stories of Police reaching the scene last of all when the “hero” does it all by himself just like our brave hearts of the ITPF, the army, the NDRF did in evacuating over 107050 of those who were having a close shave with the jaws of death every moment they breathed? Why did the callous policies of the reckless governments in power kill the goose that laid golden eggs by over milking nature and its fragility which resulted in the devastation of this magnitude and rendering thousands homeless, jobless and landless? How is it, that a country boasting of a remarkable scientific revolution around, did not have any scientific predictions based on satellite inputs nor had the Doplar radar system established in this respect? Why did NIDM belatedly raise the pitch and blame ISRO for not sending in the required predictions?  Can we blame the fury of the nature alone by itself in numerous cases of the affected villagers as also the locals and not to speak of the pilgrims only, trekking 25 to 30 Kms for search of food, who on many TV channels, spoke to the reporters that they had not only to trek these long distances braving gushing water and stone shooting areas but leap like animals through jungles for food?  Why has not the government come out with a promise to issue a white paper on Uttrakhand tragedy and assure to fix responsibility wherever noticed? Why has  there been no clamouring  from political leaders for imposition of President’s rule in Uttrakhand and dismissal of the Bhahugana government just like it would have been, in case  there would have been a non Congress government  especially BJP government there?
Now, there are very straight and pertinent questions that relate to Hindu pilgrimage in the country and where as a routine, the governments have shown total administrative collapse and total negligence and that speaks perhaps the case for such an important pilgrimage as to Kedarnath as well. A few incidents shall prove the point. Early this year, in Kunbh celebrations, as many as 40 pilgrims were crushed to death in a stampede at Allahabad railway station.  Ruling Samajvadi Party’s most trusted minister Azam Khan “owned responsibility” and “resigned” from the committee as in charge of Kunbh preparations and not as a Minister. In August 2008 at Naina Devi  Mandir- Himachal Pradesh, as many as 175 pilgrims died and twice as many seriously injured. In January 2005, in Mandher Devi temple in Satara district of Maharashtra nearly 375 perished in the worst stampede, besides 200 wounded. It was discovered that infrastructure of roads, water and medical facilities for such an important event were equivalent to naught. In November 2011, – 25 pilgrims were killed and many injured at near Har – Ki – Paudi  ghat in Haridwar, UP. Why have respective governments been found wanting in having made necessary arrangements to avert tragic deaths of the pilgrims and why have no visible actions been taken for omissions and commissions. A matter of “Aastha” or faith is what many locals have come up with, saying that again in the name of development and building of dams and projects, the  revered deity of Dhari Devi was reportedly removed on June 16, 2013 and within one hour, there was all catastrophe let loose. The view in totality not necessarily on scientific considerations alone cannot be justified but the question of faith does not know the confines of scientific logic. Science cannot describe faith while faith can describe and decipher science.
Thankfully, now blame game and political quarreling to take credit of providing help to the needy has shown the descending trend in Uttrakhand tragedy. The armed forces of the country have done a splendid and magnificent job in providing hope, succor and life to the stranded and almost evacuated nearly all out of the worst deluge,  in that we have lost 21 brave hearts in an unfortunate chopper crash while on a sortie to help the needy ones. These brave souls put duty before self and our respectful Naman to them. Shri Dalai Lama says, “There is a saying in Tibetan language   that tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength – no matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, which is our real disaster.” In that spirit, let us reconstruct and rebuild Uttrakhand – the Dev Bhoomi.