
Friday  Aug 27-2021

Aries : Think positive today and watch the world around you changing. Regardless of how difficult things may seem, Ganesha advises you to take it without getting upset. If you set your mind to something, you can do it. You have the Midas touch today, so it is a good time to introduce a new strategy.

Taurus : Ganesha urges you to be prepared for setbacks and disappointments today. Your efforts may end in being a waste of precious time and energy. The results you get are likely to be far below your expectations. Falling short of your target is likely to weigh you down with stress and anxiety. You can, however, ease and reduce your frustration by reexamining your expectations and lowering them down to a comfortable, achievable level.

Gemini : You will be in a state of heightened sensitivity today. Therefore you need to curb down on your emotions. You will be able to successfully express your feelings to someone, and your feelings will play a vital part in your life, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Ganesha suggests you not to be sentimental or hasty. Try to handle things deftly in stead of dodging bad episodes or turning a blind eye to them. You will give priority to domestic and private life in stead of career or business aspects.

Leo : You will feel more emotional today and share your feelings with your friends and near ones. For those who are searching for a life-partner, this might be the time when you will get hitched. You will develop a new perspective on some issues in the office. Your day will be different than normal, says Ganesha.

Virgo : It is more than likely that you will reap financial profits from foreign contacts, predicts Ganesha. You will excel in all the activities that you undertake today. Your dream of establishing a mammoth business enterprise in a foreign country will take flight today.

Libra : Ganesha says today will be the start of a new love story for you and you will be able to spend time with someone very dear to you. You will be more conscious today about your appearance and may even go to the beauty parlor. Do remember the saying – beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Ganesha says that you will be equally conscious of your dressing style and clothes and may go in for a new wardrobe today

Scorpio : There are strong indications that today you will be receptive and sensitive towards the needs of other people. Negative vibes will disrupt your thinking, and you will rely on the company of close friends to keep you in good cheer. Do not succumb to the pessimism that might cloud your thought today as it is only a passing phase, advises Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Ganesha foresees business expansion on your cards. Your friends, relatives and other contacts across seven seas will lend a helping hand to develop your business. And thanks to your super communication skills that make the task easier. The leader in you is all set to conquer the world. Way to go!

Capricorn : Some people do backbreaking work throughout their life, and still don’t taste the sweet taste of success. While in your case, success will be easy as pie. You are already loaded with work and some new projects – assignments will be added to that, today. But, you are not complaining as some recreational activities will refresh your mood and energy.

Aquarius : You will not need a reason to party today. Be it the news of a friend getting married or you buying a new car, you are in a mood to celebrate life like anything! Apart from this, you will have a smooth sailing through out the day, foresees Ganesha. If you are a businessman or a professional, you will move one step closer to your target.

Pisces : A day of mixed fortunes awaits you, where taking risks could prove to be your undoing, or provide you with handsome returns, says Ganesha. This is because you could come out on top by treading cautiously, but uncalculated risks will probably throw your calculations out of gear. Your success rate is unlikely to be too high; hence it may be a tough day for you. However, it will end on a promising note.