Up to 10,000 refugees expected to come through Wisconsin

Madison (US), Aug 26: Refugees from Afghanistan have arrived at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin and up to 10,000 more could do so in the coming weeks, US Senator Ron Johnson has said after meeting with base officials.
The base, located about 40 miles east of La Crosse in western Wisconsin, is one of three military installations nationwide that has been processing people evacuated from Afghanistan since the country fell to the Taliban.
Johnson, a Republican, visited Fort McCoy along with Republican state lawmakers and some military veterans on Wednesday.
Democratic Governor Tony Evers was also there separately and met with refugees, US Northern Command Gen Glen VanHerck and Maj Gen Paul Knapp, the leader of the Wisconsin National Guard.
“Our allies from Afghanistan have a long road ahead of them, and Wisconsin will continue to extend our support and assistance to these individuals who bravely contributed to our country’s efforts over the past two decades,” Evers said in a statement.
US Senator Tammy Baldwin, a Democrat from Wisconsin, said at a Madison event on voters’ rights that the United States has a moral obligation to help those who assisted the the country for years in Afghanistan and those who are at risk under a Taliban regime.
During a news conference at the base, Johnson questioned the status of the refugees being brought there and whether they had been fully vetted. He said he saw numerous refugees during his visit and got the impression that those who had arrived were happy to be there, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.
“It sounds like the first group of people that arrived are just relieved to have been able to escape Afghanistan. They won the lottery, they’re here in America,” he said. “The vast majority are here wanting what we want, the opportunity to raise their families in safety and security, with opportunity.”
But Johnson faulted President Joe Biden’s administration, saying its assurances about the vetting process was putting “lipstick on a pig”.
“Maybe they’re taking biometrics, but you need biometrics taken beforehand that you can compare them to,” he said. “It would be nice if we knew everyone even just had an identification card, but I’m hearing they don’t.”
State Representative Tony Kurtz, who is a veteran, said it’s important to get the Afghans who worked alongside the US out of Afghanistan.
“The vast majority of them are here for the right reason, but all it takes is one and we’ve got to make sure we do our due diligence,” he said. “We need to take time, once they get out of harm’s way, to make sure we’re getting the right people and doing the proper vetting.”
All of the refugees go through security vetting before they can enter the country, White House officials said Monday. Upon arrival, they are tested for COVID-19. Those who test positive will have access to space to quarantine.
Johnson said the Biden administration should be focusing only on evacuating Special Immigrant Visa applicants and their families, and people who US military members personally vouch for.
About 1,000 service members from multiple units of the US Army and Army Reserve are slated to assemble at the base to provide support to the refugees. (AGENCIES)