Education for sale

This refers to the article ‘Education for sale’ published in the DE July 3.
The author has touched a vital subject which concerns all of us and needs to be debated and discussed.
Like other commodities of daily use, education too has become a commodity to be bought and sold and a profit to be earned out of  it, and while doing so, we have defiled its sanctity.
The commercialisation of education benefits only the children of financially sound families while those belonging to poor section find themselves at the receiving end. In the process, teacher too has become a commodity. He has fallen from the heights he used to  command when he was a guide, an icon and a beacon light. There is need to re-establish the bond that existed between teacher and a students. Guru-Shishya parampara is quite essential in case, the nation wants to harvest thefruits of education.
Otherwise commercialisation of education may further strengthen the roots of evils like greed, lust, jealously against which education is an anti-dote.
Shiv Kumar Sharma