Mumbai, Sept 14: After actor Kangana Ranaut did not appear before the Andheri Magistrate Court yet again, lyricist Javed Akhtar’s lawyer Jay Bharadwaj on Tuesday said that the actor was resorting to delaying tactics in the defamation case filed against her by Akhtar.
Ranaut on Tuesday moved an application seeking exemption from personal appearance on medical grounds. The court has fixed the next date of hearing as of September 20.
“It is nothing but a plea to delay the proceedings of the court. There have been seven to eight dates in the matter and we have pointed out to the court that she has not appeared on any of the dates,” said Akhtar’s lawyer Jay.
While Kangana’s lawyer Rizwan Siddique submitted in the court a medical report of Kangana and said that she is showing symptoms of Covid-19. In the last 15 days, she has travelled a lot due to her movie promotions and meeting a lot of people, stated Kangana’s lawyer.
The lawyer asked for seven days time so that she recovers and also undergo the COVID-19 test.
Meanwhile, Akhtar’s lawyer Jay has moved an application for issuance of a non-bailable warrant against Kangana, which has been kept pending for the next date of hearing.
“If the accused doesn’t appear then we are going to press it,” said Jay while talking about the plea moved by him for a non-bailable warrant against Kangana.
Andheri Magistrate Court on Wednesday adjourned the hearing in the defamation case filed by lyricist Javed Akhtar against actor Kangana Ranaut till September 14.
Meanwhile, Kangana Ranaut has also filed a quashing petition in Bombay High Court against the defamation proceedings in Andheri court. Bombay High Court has concluded a hearing on the maintainability of her petition and has kept that for orders on September 9.
Under the quashing petition filed by Ranaut in Bombay High Court, Ranaut’s lawyer has told the Bombay HC that the Andheri Magistrate court did not follow the necessary procedure before issuing a notice to Kangana in this case.
Andheri Magistrate Court on July 27 granted a last chance to actor Kangana Ranaut from not appearing in front of the court in a defamation case filed by Javed Akhtar.
Kangana on July 27 filed an exemption application stating that she is out of the country to shoot for a film and cannot appear in front of the court. Javed Akhtar’s legal team opposed this plea and sought a warrant against her.
The matter was adjourned till September 1. If the actor failed to appear before the Mumbai court on September 1 also, as per court directions, Javed Akhtar will be free to move an application seeking a warrant against her. (Agencies)
Home Social Trends Javed Akhtar vs Kangana Ranaut: Lyricist’s lawyer says actor using delaying tactics