MP Assly adjourned sine die

BHOPAL, July 11:  The Madhya Pradesh Assembly was today adjourned sine die as the main Opposition Congress-sponsored no-confidence motion was declared null and void after Deputy Leader of Opposition Rakesh Singh Chaturvedi opposed his own party’s move in the House.

As soon as Leader of Opposition Ajay Singh stood up to move the no-confidence motion after the Zero Hour was over, Mr Chaturvedi also stood up and opposed the motion as his demands of three agendas were not included in the  motion.

The treasury bench came to the support of Mr Chaturvedi and started shouting. Amid pandemonium, Speaker Ishwardas Rohani adjourned the proceedings for half-an-hour.

When the proceeding resumed, Mr Singh urged the Speaker to begin discussion as other Congress members are supporting it.

After this, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said since the Deputy Leader of Opposition was opposing his own party’s motion, it should not be discussed. He said that Mr Chaturvedi took the step by sacrificing his political  career.

The BJP members continued to create ruckus while Mr Singh repeatedly requested the Speaker to begin discussion.

As the din continued with the members of treasury bench urging the Speaker to declare the motion as null and void, Mr Rohani adjourned the House sine die.  (UNI)