Mayor, Priya kick start development works at Brahman Sabha

Mayor C M Gupta and others kick starting development works at Brahman Sabha Parade, Jammu on Wednesday.
Mayor C M Gupta and others kick starting development works at Brahman Sabha Parade, Jammu on Wednesday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 29: Chander Mohan Gupta, Mayor Jammu in presence of Priya Sethi former Minister kick started the development work at Parshu Ram Bhawan known as Brahman Sabha at Parade here, today.
Anil Kumar Councillor Ward No. 10, Surinder Sharma, Councillor Ward No. 38, Yudhvir Sethi, vice president of BJP J&K, Vinay Gupta BJP Jammu district, president, Ved Sharma president Brahman Sabha Jammu, Chander Mohan Sharma, Jagdish Dogra former President of Sanatan Dharam Sabha and other prominent members of the Sabha were also present during the function.
R.K Mahajan Executive Engineer of Division-I, Raj Kumar Khajuria, Assistant Executive Engineer Division –I, Neeraj Verma, Junior Engineer, concerned contractor and other supervisory staff of the Division-I also accompanied the Mayor. Speaking on the occasion, Mayor said that it was the long pending demand of the Management Committee of the Brahman Sabha as the community hall already constructed required immediate remaining works and after the sincere efforts of the Councillor of the Ward No. 10, the much awaited works have been started with an estimated cost of Rs 25 lac.
He further said that it is one of the oldest Bhawan of Jammu where Management Committee provides best possible facilities to the general public as well as students from poor families and belongs to far-flung areas for studies and appearing in competitive examinations free of cost as it is situated just in the heart of Jammu City and lots of religious/social functions are being organized at this prominent place on routine basis from the people belonging to all walks of life. He added that in rainy season people were facing great hardships due to lack of certain basic amenities which has been put forth by the president of the Brahman Sabha and the concerned Engineering Wing has been directed strictly to complete the work within the stipulated time frame.
The president of Brahman Sabha extended much gratitude to the Mayor and his team for visiting the site and started the remaining work of the community hall in the vicinity of Brahman Sabha.