Gurudwara Khari Dharamsal

Gurudwara Khari Dharamsal is one the important Sikh shrines in Poonch district. This shrine was established by Sant Bhai Bhadur Singh Ji, the nephew of Sant Bhai Rocha Singh Ji of Gurudwara Dheri Sahib Rawalakot. This Gurudwara located in village Khari is about 9 km in the west of Poonch town. This is the last inhabitated village on cross LOC Poonch Rawalakot road situated on the bank of Ademba Jali stream (after the name of the wife of Bhema’ one of the five Pandavas), presently known as Ranger Nallah. The original name of this Hindu dominated village was Khari. In 18th century AD , Sant Bhai Rocha Singh Ji deputed his nephew Sant Bhai Bhadur Singh Ji to this Village for spread of Sikhism. Sant Bhai Bhadhur singh Ji had constructed a Dharamsal on the order of Sant Bhai Rocha Ji and the name of the area became Khari Dharamsal. With the passage of time Dharamsal took the shape of Gurudwara. After the turmoil of 1947 upto 2003, the shrine was confined to the local pilgrims because it was located on extreme border and area was cut off and got affected badly due to firing and shelling across the border. After the cease fire of 26 November 2003 on the LOC opening of Poonch Rawalakot road on 16 June 2006 and start of trade Center across the LOC after 2008, this Village and Gurudwara Khari Dharamsal attained great importance and started flourishing day by day. Therefore a great hustle and bustle is visible in and around shrine area. The cross LOC passengers, trades, Truck drivers apart from the devotees from Poonch and abroad visit this shrine every day. They offer prayers and take meals from the community langer.
The shrine is surrounded by the village Tetrinote of POK in the western side, Bandi Gopalpur in the northern side now in POK, Gulpur village is located on the eastern side and Poonch River is passing from the southern sideof the shrine. The Gurudwara complex is spread over 13 kanals of lands. The main Dewan hall has a capacity of 10000 peoples to sit at a time. The complex comprises of Gurudwara building Dheri Sahib, 10 room muasfir khana, two well furnished guest rooms, langer building, store building etc. Water and power supply is available and shrine is well connected with road. Community langer is served to everybody at any time. The revenue of the shrine depends upon the donation from the devotees. Every year Gurmat Samagam is held from June 5 to July 20. The pilgrims from Poonch town, Jammu and abord visit the shrine during Gurmat Samagam in large numbers. Raghi jaths and preachers from Amritsar and Punjab participate in this function. During Samagam days the children are educated about Shabad Kirtan, Isstari Jaths are organized by Machinery College Ludhiana. Free medical camp and Amrit Sanchar are the main attraction of this programme. The descendants of Sant Bhai Bhadur Singh Ji family who had migrated from this village to Rajasthan during the turmoil of 1947 also participate in the function. Normally under the leadership of S. Gajan Singh Ghargaj.
Sant Bhai Bhadur Singh Ji had come to Khari Dharamsal in the 18th century AD. He was a nephew of great preacher Sant Bhai Rocha Singh Ji of Rawalakot Gurudwara. He was also a disciple of Sant Bhai Rocha Singh Ji and had become preacher in his early age. Therefore Sant Ji had deputed his nephew to the village Khari for preaching of Sikhism in this area. Sant Bhai Bhadur Singh Ji established his Dhera in the village and started daily satsang in the evening hours in his house, in which the natives were participating and listening the sermon of the Sant ji. The Hindu families of these villages surrounding this village started visiting the Dhera of Sant Bhai Bhadur Singh Ji for his blessings. In those days most of the Hindu families used to offer their elder sons to embrace Sikhism in this mountianus region. In the meantime Sant Ji constructed a Dharamsal at the present place. This place was a halting station. Therefore the persons who were halted in the Dharamsal also came under the influence of the preaching of Sant Ji and started embrasing Sikhism. During this very period with the efforts of Sant Bhai Bhadur Singh Ji a numberof Sikh families from Muzaffarabad, Uri and Hazara district migrated to village Khari Dharamsal . In this manner khari Dharamsal emerged as one of important centres for preaching of Sikh ism in this mountainous area in 18th century AD. And the people of Khari and surrounding villages starts celebrating their religious festivals like Basakhi and Gurupurav at this shrine.
After the turmoil of 1947 majority of Sikhs migrated from this village and this shrine of great religious importance remained out of sight for years together. It was only in 1975 when some migrant families of this village came back to Khari that this Dharamsal came into limelight. At that time the Old Structure was completely damaged and disappeared. Therefore these families donated Rs. 500/- for construction of a Gurudwara. Then the Sikh families of this area approached Sant Bhai Batcher Singh Ji of Gurdwara Nangali Sahib for construction of Gurudwara. Therefore initially a kacchi building was constructed and Guru Granth Sahib was kept in the Gurudwara building and religious rituals started in the Gurudwara. In 1995 a local management committee was constituted under the chairmanship of S. Harcharan Singh Khalsa who took bold imitative for construction of a pacca Gurudwara at this site. With these initiative a beautiful Gurudwara complex came up in a very limited period and the shrine again become the centre of religious functions. The natives of Khari Dharamsal village produced very learned and intellectual personalities in the past. Number of reknowed Raghis and Granthies of the country have their ancestral roots in this village. Sant Bhai Batcher Singh Ji of Gurudwara Nangali sahib hailed from to this village. Gani Sahib Singhji the ex-head Granthi of Golden Temple Amritsar also belonged to village Khari Dharamsal. Large number of granthies and religious preachers of Punjab also belonged to this place, because there was a great impact of Gurudwara Khari Dharamsal Shrine on the people of this area.