Love for mankind

Kundan Kashmiri
Love means suffering and pain for oneself and happiness for other. To giver, it is suffering without malice or hatred. To receiver, it is a blessing without obligation. It is love which alone knows how to give without necessarily bargaining for the return. There is nothing worldly or spiritually that love cannot achieve and there is nothing that love cannot sacrifice. Love is dynamic in action and contagious in effect. Love is matchless in majesty. It has no parallel in power and there is no darkness it cannot dispel.Love is undying flame that has set a life a glow.
When there is love there is oneness. The love is beyond all ledgers. This mighty force of love does not only enables one to put the ideal of selfless service into practice but also transforms one into God.
Love for fellow beings, love for services, love for sacrifices means love for God. In short, love in any shape and form is the finest “give and take” in the world. It can never come to those whose heart is darkened by selfish cravings or weakened by constant reliance upon the lures.
When one truly loves humanity, one longs to give ones all for its happiness. When one truly loves one’s community and country, there are longings to sacrifice one’s very life without seeking reward or applaud. When one truly loves family and friends there is longing to help without making them feel under the least obligation. When one truly loves one’s enemies, one longs to make them friends. True love for one’s parents also makes one long to give them every comfort at the cost of one’s own. We can say thought of self is always absent in the different longings connected with the various stages of pure and real love.
God does not listen to the language which constitutes mental reputations, verbal reputations and devotional songs etc. He does not listen to the language of mind which constitutes meditation, concentration and thought about God. He listens to the language of “Heart” which constitutes love. The most practical way for the common man is to express his language of heart while attending daily life duties, is to speak lovingly, think lovingly and act lovingly towards all mankind, irrespective of caste, creed, position, taking God to be present in each and everyone. Don’t pretend or pose to have love and regard for each other. Don’t have cosmetic hugs and un-blissful blessings for each other, which is in practicenow-a-days in the present world.
If you really want to practice true love in your life which in law of God them follow as under:-
*Love to your fellow beings and feel for others in the same way as you feel for your own dear ones.
*Instead of seeing faults in others, please look with in yourself.
*Let you suffer sufferings of others and feel happy in the happiness of others
*Instead of worrying over your own misfortunes, let you feel more fortunate than many others.
*Endure your lot with patience and contentment, accepting it as His will.
“This is what I understood from Geetaji”