Check credentials of travel units before booking: Tourism Deptt

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Oct 8: Travel agents based in Kashmir as well as outside are making bookings with the travel units that are not registered with the Department of Tourism due to which there are several complaints of “fraud” being reported by the tourists reaching Kashmir.
Officials said that there have been several complaints that were reported in which it was stated that they were duped and their money was not returned even as the travel units failed in providing them with the required services upon reaching Kashmir.
They said that the majority of these travel units are not registered with the concerned department and are ending up duping the tourists. “In such cases, the tracing such units become difficult even as the complaints pour in,” the officials said.
They said that have received complaints ranging money-grabbing, not providing the services for which the complainants have already paid, with the result, tourist reaching face many issues as they fail to check the registration credentials of such units before the booking is made.
In this regard, the department has now issued a circular asking the travel agents, hotelier as well as houseboat owners to cross-check the credentials of such units before booking them for services.
“It has been observed that some travel agents (Locals as well as outsiders), Hoteliers, Houseboat owners are making bookings with travel units which are not registered with the Department of Tourism Kashmir, Gulmarg and Pahalgam respectively, as a result of which the complaints if mischief, misconduct and money-grabbing erupt,” the circular reads.
In order to rule out complaints with regard to fraudulent bookings, breach of trust and money-grabbing. it is impressed upon all the stakeholders that prior to making any kind of bookings with the travel units, checking their formal registration with the department of tourism must be ensured in advance.