The “idea” of India

Shiban Khaibri
While just going through one of the pages of a leading national Daily a few days back, as many as five pieces of news carried elements of peculiar interest, suspense, amusement, paradoxical conundrums and absolute surmises. One of the three read “Capt. meets Shah to “discuss” farm laws”, sparks move abuzz -carrying the photograph of the two leaders holding each other’s hands exchanging hopes through the language of handshake though currently ”forbidden” under COVID safety protocol. The second one had -“Sidhu spells out why he quit as PPCC chief” while the third one had the crocodile tears galore in the contents but salesmanship traits apparent as it made interesting reading, – “Kejriwal- Political instability in Punjab unfortunate”. The fourth news item made still tantalizing and ”borrow from somewhere and spend ruthlessly” based rhetoric along with the file photograph of Rahul Gandhi – reading “PM Modi shattering the idea of India : Rahul”. A word or so about each news item and a few more on one item only as that being the main theme of these lines.
Why did the Captain meet Amit Shah so late, say nearly after 10 months of the “Farmers” agitation” is as intriguing as it is to claim having impressed upon the Union Home Minister to have the three Agricultural Laws repealed that were democratically and constitutionally passed by the highest seat of democratic set up of this country- the Parliament? As regards MSP Guarantee , there was no need as MSP was well in vogue and thereunder procurement of wheat, paddy, sugarcane and other agricultural produce was routinely made and when all these 70 years there was no demand for ”MSP Guarantee ” , why now – by the same logic as, perhaps, when no innovative and face changing reforms and pro farmers changes were brought in all these 70 years in the Agricultural sector to ameliorate the conditions of not only small and marginal farmers but even of those falling in advantageous brackets , why to ask for repealing the three laws otherwise promising to be the game changer of and energizing Indian agriculture? Is it now just like the routine rhetoric usually dished out by almost all political parties genetically opposed to the present dispensation ,a few of those in power in a few states like Delhi, West Bengal, Rajasthan , Maharashtra etc but curiously not like the one in Odisha where we fortunately see a versatile Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik pursuing positive role ,constructive role of an ideal opposition party and otherwise seen always engrossed in the service of the people. No wonder, people liking his leadership and electing him repeatedly five times consecutively as their leader (Chief Minister) to create records and to script history as one of the longest serving Chief Ministers of any Indian state holding the post for two decades without a break. This, he achieved not by resorting to intimidating violent tactics on any opposition party -its leaders, activists and ordinary followers who themselves and their families especially the women , young and old, had to face the unspeakable atrocities at the hands of the ruling party activists during and especially after the results of elections announced. Neither he sells freebies – Mufut Bijli, Mufut Pani, Mufut Bank loans meaning Qarza Muaf , Muft Bus , metro , rail sawari and much of it where elections are round the corner.
The question is what “draconian” is there about the three farm laws which Congress, SP, AAP, SAD, TMC, NCP and others are openly selling at huge discount rather with incentives and fanning the innocent sentiments of thousands of gullible “farmers” to have the agitation not only gain increasing momentum but to keep it prolonged promising a fight to the finish only to see the “Anndatas ” are given justice by repealing of the said laws? Despite intervention by the apex court of the country , keeping on hold the said laws, repeated assurances given by the government and offering dialogue and discussions to resolve the issue, procurement process and MSP being undisturbed , mandis functioning as usual, not an inch of any farm land having been ”usurped” by the MNCs or big business houses – the usual canards floated by most of the opposition parties to provide oxygen to the agitation due to the provision of farm contracting , why is there so much of a fuss and confusion created about these laws ? Why people and economy though in limited magnitude are continuously held to ransom? Why frequent Bharat Bandhs are thrust on people , why movement of scores of trains is stopped and people tortured and not only troubled ? What for ? If for ten months thousands of “farmers” from Punjab, Haryana and some areas of Western UP are up in arms and agitating on Delhi borders , how come agricultural produce this year is encouragingly more than the last year? If in the opinion of some protesting elite farm leaders seen living in AC tents and luxurious enclosures who claim that the agitating farmers are in lakhs out on Delhi and UP borders against the “Kaley Qanoon”, then who tilled the land and how come so much of rich harvesting and farmers few days ago in Haryana, separately agitating and giving ultimatum for early lifting of paddy harvest which fortunately is flooding our mandis – are all contradictory things colliding inter-se different claims.
Now a situation is made to take place , calling a spade a spade, where a dire “need” is felt to see the agitation turning violent so that force was used resulting in casualties so that chances of the political loaves of most of the opposition parties getting baked, could surface as is seen by tactics of “gharoing” political leaders of the ruling party even chasing them wherever seen, not allowing any government function to be held and what not. That government not using any force despite tremendous provocation from some people claiming to be farmers indulging in what the entire country watched on January 26 at the Red Fort upset the mechanisations and planning of those who rather wanted casualties in order to derive political capital. That such tendencies are getting menacingly stronger got amply proved with recent incidents at Lakhimpuri Kheri, UP -which must have shocked every patriotic Indian. Let that heart rending incident be the last one so that besides saving precious lives, resources and properties, peace and tranquillity could be preserved .Spots where blood of innocents got spilled be not made political tourism rendezvous in the name of solidarity. Let politics and politicking not get plummeted to darker depths. Prior to the Farm Laws, Indian farmers were not living in palaces and rolling in wealth, maximum suicides of farmers took place during UPA1 and UPA 2 rule. If the Government wants to change the face of the Indian agriculture through these three laws and Parliament put its irreversible stamp of approval on them, why should chance not be given to let the Government prove its credentials?
As regards the news item about Sidhu Ji as to why he quit as PPCC chief, none seems to take either the reasons or the rationale of his quitting as serious except lamenting for those who choose to remain consistently inconsistent. And Kejriwal terming ”instability” in Punjab as unfortunate is as big a joke as to claim that he is not overjoyed as such instability is surely visiting his electoral prospects in the form of a windfall as his chances in grabbing a few more seats in the ensuing Assembly elections get brighter. Now, about “young” Congress leader Rahul Ji accusing the Prime Minister of ”shattering” the idea of India is just like a naughty – poor at studies lad trying to impress his gullible but very intelligent villager father about having learnt new mathematics in the city school where one plus one being two becomes three automatically. The father took no time in understanding that the son was a spoilt one and needed to be taught a lesson . He confided in his wife to have two small chicken roasted for dinner while sharing with her about the son having gone astray and doing nothing at studies. When dinner was served , the two chicken , one each for the father and the mother adored the two plates while the third plate that of the son , though full of cooked rice, was ‘topless’ – without any chicken.
The shocked and hungry son asked for his chicken , the father replied, “one plus one chicken are on your parent’s plates , you can have the third one which you learnt in the city school and enjoy.” What clarification and elucidation to prove his accusation can Rahul Ji attempt to, is perhaps not even known to him that Modi Ji was “shattering” some idea of India . However, what we believe is that there is nothing like any “Idea” of India, if it is anything in that context , it is the partition and the division of India done by Congress under the pressure of Jinnah’s Indian Muslim League, for which Gandhi Ji and Nehru Ji are responsible and which is one of the biggest human tragedies in the annals of the history. Moreover, India does not encompass what Bharat does- which is the glorious ancient Sanatan civilization based on high and lofty principles of humanity, peace, universal brotherhood- Vasudeva Kutumbhakum, tolerance, forgiveness, live and let live and the like.