NPP alone left on political turf to oppose BJP: Harsh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 16: “While the leaders of other opposition parties are falling in the lap of BJP one by one, it is the Panthers Party leadership alone which has put up a brave fight against the dictatorial and anti-people policies of the present authoritarian regime,” NPP chairman Harsh Dev Singh said today.
Singh stated that the BJP is resorting to coercion, threats, intimidation and allurements to break the opposition parties in a bid to establish its monopoly in the political landscape of J&K. The Panthers Party however, shall not allow the anti-Jammu and anti-people moves of BJP to go unopposed. The people being faced with one of the worst ever crisis due to stalled development, growing unemployment, rampant corruption, unmitigated corona pandemic, power and drinking water problems and raging inflation, it is astonishing to note the Jammu opposition leaders abandoning their respective parties on regular basis and embracing BJP which they termed as anti Jammu in the past,” Singh added.
Accusing the BJP of conspiring to break the opposition parties, Harsh Dev observed that the predators of saffron brigade were resorting to all kinds of nefarious moves to crush dissenting voices. “Not only were the opposition leaders lured and seduced by the BJP with lucrative offers and promises of better political prospects on abandoning their respect political parties but coercive methods were also being used to make them fall in line. Those opposition leaders who refused to oblige BJP merely on material gains were bullied and browbeaten by using the coercive apparatus of the state. Threats, intimidations, allurements and detentions were used as tools by the BJP to disintegrate the opposition parties. The basic objective was not to allow any party to stand in opposition to BJP”, asserted Singh.
He claimed that the NPP which had emerged as only voice of Jammu region was also being targeted. He rued that many of its leaders and workers were being seduced or being threatened to quit the party only to weaken the movement launched by it against the anti people, anti- Jammu and anti- poor policies of BJP.
” We would stand with the people through thick and thin and continue to expose BJP for all its acts of subterfuge and political blasphemy as NPP alone left on the political turf to oppose BJP”, Harsh asserted.