Higher Education and NEP 2020

Dr M A Shah
Nations which tolerate unwanted interference in educational sector will not be pardoned by history. It is the basic criteria behind a country’s prosperity, if it is up-to the mark. Although educational sector needs dynamic policies however its growth requires a feedback system for time to time corrections and up gradations. The pulls and pushes on our education through global changes makes its irrelevance more conspicuous. However there is a silver lining if we think afresh. It is well known fact that well-educated generation is equipped to undertake social, economic and political roles responsibly with an overarching awareness of the global issues including sustainable development goals (SDGs). Such is the vision embedded in the NEP 2020, which, when fully implemented, promises to make education holistic and a lot more rewarding. As a teacher in professional college, I have written seven (07) steps that are of particular interest for all of us.
Systematic steps for implementation of NEP 2020
Step 1:- Architecture of Higher Education into three types – Type 1, 2 and 3 – The definition of university will now range from Research-intensive Universities to Teaching-intensive Universities and Autonomous degree-granting Colleges.
Step 2:- Multidisciplinary and Holistic Education- Stand-alone Institutions including Professional have to evolve into multidisciplinary, which is the need of the hour for sustainability.
Step 3:- Setting up Multidisciplinary Education and Research University (MERUs) as a Model in every district at par with best existing universities. Disadvantaged geographies will be a priority- there shall be atleast one type of institution
Step 4:- 3-4 year Undergraduate degree with multiple entry- exit options and common entrance and examination. Transfer of Credits and the Academic Bank of Credits. – An Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) shall be established which would digitally store the academic credits earned from various recognized HEIs and shall be counted anywhere within country.
Step 5:- Constitution of Board of Governors (BoG) in all higher educations. The BoG shall be responsible and accountable to the stake holders through transparent mechanism and shall be empowered to govern the institution free of any external interference, thus giving them complete autonomy.
Step 6:- National Education Technology Forum (NETF) – To improve digital infrastructure for higher education by all means, as hybrids modes will continue. All higher educational Institutions should set up Large Computer Laboratories with all required facilities including cameras for on Line admissions, examinations/evaluations.
Step 7:- Establishment of Higher Education Council of India (HECI), having four independent verticals as:-
(i) National Higher Education Regulatory Council (NHERC) for regulation-Only regulator for all higher education including professional (ii) General Education Council (GEC) for standard setting (iii) Higher Education Grants Council (HEGC) for funding (iv) National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAC) for accreditation: Accreditation as basis for regulation It will be a single overarching umbrella body.
Half of the burden of the universities and colleges will go down, with a relief to parents, students and teachers. Besides above, National Research Foundation (NRF) will be created as an apex body for fostering a strong research culture and building research capacity. The officials should perceive their responsibilities and keep aside their personal conflicts and negotiate this matter as a whole for people and for future generations. Nelson Mendela has once said that “education is most powerful tool which you can use to change the world”.
(The author is teaching Nanotechnology at NIT Srinagar and can be reached at shahji@nitsri.ac.in)