Resentful employees in Ladakh

State employees in Ladakh region are resentful on discrimination made in their emoluments when compared with what the Central Government employees are paid. The latter are paid 12.5 per cent of their basic pay as special allowance on the basis of harsh climate and difficult living conditions in Ladakh region. Employees of J&K State posted to the same region have justification in demanding same special allowance as well because the climatic and living conditions for them are the same as for the Central Government employees.  It is not fair to use different yardsticks for the same category of employees. Naturally resentment adversely affects the output of work. State employees have expressed their resentment. It has to be noted that State employees usually avoid postings to Ladakh region. Not only that even many refuse posting to Ladakh on promotion and forego the benefits that would accrue to them. This is because of the harshness of severe climatic conditions.
There is growing resentment among the State employees. They have brought their complaint to the authorities but have not been responded sympathetically. The Government should take a decision in this matter before the employees are forced to go on strike and paralyze routine work in the offices.  We believe that employees   posted to inhospitable regions should be given many other facilities as well besides special allowances. The incentives would ultimately help in running better administration in far-flung areas.