Action against burglars

Refer news item ‘Kichloo directs police to curb burglaries’ DE July 18.
Fear has creeped in the minds of people over spurt of burglaries in various parts of the State. In one of the incidents, the burglars even set a woman on fire after she raised a cry over burglary in her house. These inhuman incidents have sent a shock wave across the length and breadth of the State. The fear has seeped so much in the psyche of people that they do not want to leave their houses unattended even if an emergency arises. Besides, resentment is growing against police for their failure to protect life and property of people.
The police must frame a contingency plan to nab the burglars. These burglars usually remain active in colonies where is not much hustle and bustle.
A sense of security has to be created among citizens of the State. This can be done if police intensifies its action against these anti-social elements.
Yours etc….
Nikhil Mahajan