KVS organizes workshop on ‘Gender Sensitization’

Excelsior Correspondent

Dignitaries expressing views during workshop on ‘Gender Sensitization’ at Jammu on Friday.

JAMMU, July 19: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) Jammu region organised a workshop on “Gender Sensitization”, which was conducted by KV No. 1, Gandhi Nagar.
On the occasion, AVLJ Rao, Deputy Commissioner, KVS, Jammu Region was the chief guest, while AS Gill and Usha Shamendra, Assistant Commissioners, Principal Incharges of all KVs situated in J&K, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab were also present.
Resourse persons in the field of the subject were invited to orient the Principals on Gender Sensitization. The resource persons included Sulakshna Dogra, Principal, KV No. 4, Pathankot, PL Dhiman, Principal, KV No. 2, Pathankot, Chandra Thapa, PGT (Biology), KV No 1, Pathankot and Dr Chandra Shekhar, Senior Asstt Prof, Jammu University. The subject was discussed in detail. The problem of gender bias, abuse and discrimination, causes and measures to cope up with the problem were given due consideration. The ways and means to handle the situations under these circumstances was also emphasized upon. Presentations were displayed to support the discussions.
While speaking, AVLJ Rao suggested that every gender should respect the opposite gender, only then we can help to resolve the issue. He added that change in the mind set of the individuals can help in such cases. Teachers can help to change the mind set up of the student, so that the coming generation see the things in right direction, he added.