Kargil observes hartal against Gool Ramban incident

KARGIL : Life was crippled today in this border town of Ladakh region in Jammu and Kashmir on a general strike called by Islamic Society of Kargil against the Gool Ramban incident.
Shops and business establishments remained closed and traffic was off the road in the town, also affecting other parts of the district.
Work in government offices, banks and other institutions was affected as employees stayed away from work in response to bandh call, also supported by other organisations, including students associations Sheikh Asgar Zakiri Member Ullama Council Kargil on behalf of the council condemned the alleged desecration of the Holy Quran and firing by security forces at Gool in Ramban district on July 18.
Several thousand people yesterday joined a procession against the incident and marched through different streets in the town after Friday prayers.