Intimidating rise of China

J L Koul Jalali
M uch talked about rise of China as an economic super power has been inviting attention for years now but it has been intimidating also. World opinion has veered round the fact that attitude of the Communist regime in China particularly towards most of its neighbours has been pivoted around aggression and intimidation from the very beginning. In 1962 the first victim of its brazen policy of aggression was its immediate neighbour India. During subsequent years and decades Vietnam and many other countries in or bordering South China Sea and East China China Sea fell pray to its aggressive attitude. Now after its rise as an economic super power it has been throwing around its weight without any regard for international law and rules. It has usurped rights of its neighbors in South China Sea and Pacific Ocean and has been illegally hindering free navigation rights of other nations too. This has only endangered security of the world.West has its own concerns about intimidating rise of China.
It is not communist ideology, which is based on revolution, but its own attitude and policies which prompt China to adopt coercive and aggressive means against other countries to maintain and uphold its interests, in a case or two mostly based on mere perceptions. It has had no qualms even in befriending and turning Pakistan,the epicentre of terrorism,into an all weather friend just to achieve its nefarious aims against India. To harm Indian interests it went to the extent of even supporting terrorism emanating from Pakistan. It continuously vetoed UN resolutions to declare terrorists from Pakistan as international terrorists. Though at a much later stage it had to bow before international pressure.
Although an atheist regime and avowedly against obscurantism,China is not averse even to come nearer to staunch fundamentalist and radical Taliban regime in Afghanistan just for some pecuniary gains. Fundamentalism and radicalism have been bedeviling the whole world and have caused much distress and wrought havoc all over the world particularly in Afghanistan itself.
China needs to realise that with the collapse of erstwhile Soviet Union in 1993, Communism as a perceived panacea for all human sufferings has proved to be inadequate. Even the hybrid Communism practised in China for decades now has also its own limitations. Freedom of spirit is an inalienable non-physical aspect of human being. But China has failed even to uphold it. With return of Hong Kong to China it was hoped that China will uphold this aspect of human personality not only in Hong Kong but allow it to prevail elsewhere also in the country. But forcible civil liberty curbs and other excesses in Hong Kong have even belied this hope. More serious and destabilising is the matter about Taiwan. Taiwan has clearly demonstrated that it cannot be part of authoritarian and atheist regime of China. Despite armed threats and intimidation Taiwan has avowed to defend its democratic values and freedom of human spirit.
With its borders still not demarcated with India and its continued belligerent posture,India has to be wary about China and face the challenge posed by it squarely. Along with re calibrated economic development after Corona,India has to boost its self-reliance in every sphere. It has to encourage and enlarge the pool of developed skilled manpower. Apart from nourishing its democratic values it has to strengthen its self-confidence to meet the challenge. It should also widen its sphere of influence all over the world and broaden its trade interests. Moreover apart from the geo-political context of the challenge,it has to be prepared as usual to come up to the diplomatic challenges that may be thrust on it.
China has had a glorious past and is one of over a couple of ancient civilisations still surviving and on the rise. Like all other countries China has every right to rise to the top but not through aggression and by breaking international law and rules. This is bound to create security risks even for powerful West. Actually announcement of the Australia-UK and US(AUKUS) alliance is an ominous manifestation of this threat. With abundance of sophisticated nuclear weapons and other armaments all around the world,this could even jeopardise survival of mankind.
The world we live in has changed beyond imagination and come so close that evolution of human civilisation has become a possibility. Despite so many contradictions,widespread uneven economic development and daunting cultural diversities, evolution of human civilisation can no longer be considered a utopia. But this could be possible only after formation of a democratically constituted World Parliament. By changing its attitude China could aid formation of such an institution which could ensure survival of mankind and evolution of human civilisation. No doubt evolution of such an institution could be brought nearer when all other countries subject their actions to an ethical and moral compass.