Drug addiction

Gaurav Sharma
Born in the late 20th century, many of us have been lucky to see two centuries in a single lifespan. But we have also been unlucky to see a few things which should not be present on our mother earth. Few of them are Global Warming and Terrorism, both of which were unknown terms in the earlier centuries but are growing at a lightning speed and I am afraid that no one can stop them unless some immediate and drastic remedies are devised and SUCCESSFULLY EXECTUTED – the toughest part of the game.
The business of narcotics is directly or indirectly funded by many terrorist organizations across the border and managed by regional gangs present in almost every city of our country. These gangs now have become a wholesale market with small time retailers found in many slum areas and even some educated youth have taken up Drug Peddling to support their luxuries and lavish lifestyles undeterred of the fact that one day the game will be over and their life will become worse than hell.
Last eight years of my life have been spent in watching life quite closely in most of its aspects. One of them which caught my eye is Drug Addiction which is growing at a rate faster than petrol prices. People call it Drug Addiction but I prefer to call it Terrorism in Hibernation who when wakes up, will give such a jolt to the country that no power will be able to deal with it and it has already started to stretch its arms, waiting to get up and bug the “Almost ripe crops of our youth”.
GEN Y! The moment I listen to this word, a movie starts running behind my eyes visualizing the direction the young India is moving in. No doubt India is producing a capable force of professionals with enormous intellect and passion but many of these NATIONAL PILLARS are becoming hollow day by day because these pillars are not growing strong with the cement of education and iron bars of knowledge but they are growing weaker with the ash of narcotics which is slowly but directly taking a toll on the national assets – Human Resources and Economy. Huge numbers of teenagers and adolescents are getting addicted to drugs every minute. Commonly known as Dope, Joint, Coke, Hash, Grass, Marijuana, LSD, Ketamine, Prescription Drugs, and countless other BRANDS & VARIANTS are openly available in almost every city and least is being done to put a full stop on the menace, though few pauses are observed for very short intervals – thanks to corruption and an inefficient administration.
With access to every kind of media, we do witness a few headlines discovering the use of narcotics by film stars and even sportspersons. These celebrities are the ideals of our so called Gen Y and the generation will follow them in the times to come.
We cannot blame these celebrities of spoiling the generation because they were also in the same state at some point of time and rest everybody knows that it is easier to take up bad habits but very difficult to keep good habits.
The age is so tender that parents as well as teachers have to be extra cautious if they find their ward/student taking up a wrong path. But that is not enough. All parents in this world definitely want their children to be well educated, well mannered and well settled in life for which they leave no stone unturned which sometimes results in a little shortage of time to spend together. Moreover, kids these days have learnt to outsmart their parents in seconds but kids will be kids – we can’t help it. Recently a professional acquaintance of mine told me that in a top notch school in Noida where her daughter studies, an 11th standard student fainted in the class. When checked, he was found to be drunk at 10:30 am in the school. Later on it was discovered that a considerate amount of Vodka was mixed with water in his water-bottle. The student is a batch topper with 98% marks in 10th standard. What will this child do after a couple of years?
We have seen many causes like rapes, murders, corruption and even religious issues being taken up by public at national level which were converted into mass movements sometimes even resulting into positive results but this issue has hardly been brought up barring a few movies, media reports and some hardly recognized street plays by local theatre artists from time to time. I appreciate these efforts but this is not enough. We have to go that extra mile to keep the road clean and clear for the generations to come.
Also, it is high time The NCB, Vigilance, Anti-corruption; National & International Level Intelligence ought to join hands with a willingness and passion to eradicate this nonsense from our society. Believe you me – it is just a matter of taking a step which once taken will give a new life to our wandering youth and let them steer the country into a direction which India actually needs.