Kashmiri student washed away

DEHRADUN, July 21:Two Kashmiri students were swept away in the fast current of Sahastradhara river here today, one of whom was saved while other was still missing.
According to Rajpur SO, Amarjit Singh, Aizaz Ahmed, 23, from Kupwara district of Kashmir, who was studying BSC Chemistry in Beehive Institute here, had gone to the popular picnic spot Sahastradhara here with a group of his college mates.
They were standing near the river when he lost his balance and was swept away by the fast flowing Sahastradhara river. His close friend Raees also jumped into the swollen waters in an attempt to save him, but was also swept away.
As other students raised an alarm, locals around the picnic spot rushed to their help and succeeded in pulling out Raees. However, Ahmed could not be rescued and police was informed.
Mr Singh said he rushed to the spot and divers and ITBP personnel were also called to rescue Aizaz but even after search of about five hours, there was no trace of the Kashmiri student.
The search and rescue operation had to be stopped after darkness, SO Rajpur, Singh said, adding that the SAR efforts would be launched again tomorrow.  (UNI)