Mali scrambles to be ready for Sunday’s “fresh start” vote

BAMAKO, July 28: Malian election officials scrambled to distribute voting material for an election today intended to provide a fresh start to a country divided by a coup and a war in its desert north.
Candidates wound up campaigns promising reconstruction  and reconciliation but, underscoring security fears despite a successful French offensive against al Qaeda-linked fighters, an Islamist group threatened to attack polling stations.
Separatist and Islamist rebels swept across the country’s desert north last year shortly after soldiers ousted the president, an unprecedented crisis in the former French colony, previously seen as an island of stability in West Africa.
Thousands of French troops halted a rebel advance in  January and United Nations peacekeepers are deploying to stabilise the broken nation. A successful vote today would take the gold-producing country another step towards its recovery.
“We need this election – it is critical,” said  Abdrahamane Toure, a postal worker who went to the Aminata Diop school in Bamako’s Lafiabougou neighbourhood to check where he would vote.
“Once we have a legitimate state back, things might start getting better,” he added.
In a sign of last-minute preparations, residents were  still lining up to collect newly-printed ID cards that they will have to show in order to vote as a truck laden with plastic ballot boxes pulled up at the Bamako school yesterday.
Authorities also instructed some 6.8 million eligible  voters how to find their polling stations by sending SMS messages to designated numbers.
In the run-up to the vote, experts had warned that a  rushed election might lead to challenges and further crises.
But election officials say they have distributed 85  percent of the ID cards and a free and fair race in a field of 26 men and one women could take place.
Louis Michel, head of the European Union’s election  observer mission, said he was “positively surprised” by preparations and that the conditions for the vote were acceptable.
“A month ago, there were a lot of doubts (over the election). But it has come together. Everyone realises that this interim government has to end as its inherent fragility and uncertainty has been so costly for Mali,” said Mary Beth Leonard, the U.S. ambassador to Bamako.
Voting is due to start at 0800 GMT at 21,000 polling stations across the country, from the bustling, lush riverside capital in the south to the remote desert garrison town of Kidal, which was at the heart of last year’s rebellion.
Most of the front-runners are established political  figures over the last 20 years of Malian politics so there is little likelihood of a radical overhaul of the country’s democracy.
A second round of voting will take place on Aug. 11 if no candidate wins over 50 percent of the vote. —