International Human Rights Day celebrated

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 10: International Human Rights Day was celebrated here today.
The Law School, University of Jammu celebrated International Human Rights Day. Prof Naresh Padha, Dean Academic Affairs was the chief guest. Prof Manju Jamwal, Director, The Law School welcomed guests. On the occasion, Prof Naresh Padha emphasized on the importance of human rights for society at large. Prof. Jamwal stressed upon inculcating the basic values which will help in promotion of human rights. Various students of The Law School made presentations on the theme of the day. Dr Monica Narang Coordinator of the program shared her views on human rights as inalienable and inviolable. Dr Seema Rohmetra Senior Assistant Prof presented vote of thanks. Other faculty members of The Law School attended the program.
International Human Rights Day was celebrated at Central Sanskrit University, Shri Ranvir Campus, under the joint auspices of National Service Scheme and Education Department. Chief guest Professor Sunil Mahawar gave an online lecture on Human Rights in India. The program started with Vedic Manglacharan by Dr Deepak Sharma, while Dr Yogendra Dixit, Program Officer, National Service Scheme, welcomed the guests. The program was organized and coordinated by Dr Madan Singh of the Department of Education.
Department of Political Science, Government MAM College Jammu, organized a symposium competition on the topic ‘Significance of Human Rights’. The symposium competition was organized under the patronage of Prof (Dr) GS Rakwal, Principal of the College and was attended by faculty and students of all streams. It was organized under the guidance of Dr Seema Jamwal HOD. The programme began with the welcome address by Prof Lukesha Dubgotra from Department of Political Science. A total of 7 students participated where 1st position was secured by Lakshita of Sem III, Deepak Paru of Sem V stood 2nd and 3rd position was shared by Umar Ayub and Divyanshi. Consolation prize was given to Riya Verma. Prof Neeraj Sharma, Coordinator IQAC, Prof Sanjay Karlupia and Prof Anupama were the judges on the occasion.
To commemorate the International Human Rights Day, Department of Political Science in collaboration with NSS Unit and Cultural and Literary Committee of Government PG College Rajouri under the guidance of the Principal, Prof (Dr) Shakeel Ahmed Raina organized an invited lecture by Dr Mohammad Ashaq Malik, a renowned Botanist and Social Activist.
Dogra Law College organized an extension lecturer on Human Rights Day. The theme of the Lecture was “Human Rights and its Relevance”. Dr Bindu Sangra, Assistant Professor, The Law School and Public Information Officer, University of Jammu, was the resource person who enlightened the students about the importance of Human Rights.
GDC Kalakote in collaboration with NSS unit organized a seminar on Human Rights Day on the theme “Reducing Inequality and Advancing Human Rights”. This event was organized by HOD Political Science Dr Tariq Rashid Wani under the supervision of Principal, Dr Romesh Kumar Gupta, Principal of the College.
The NSS Unit of GDC Sunderbani organized a Special Lecture on ‘Human Rights: Changing perspective in Present Era’ on International Human Rights Day. Dr Vandana Gupta Principal GDC Sunderbani formally welcomed the gathering. Prof Mukesh Kumar Sharma HOD Political Science brought his views on human rights. On the occasion, Dr Shezad Ahmed from Department of Political Science delivered an extensive lecture.
GDC Basohli organized an online ‘Poster Making Competition’ on the occasion of International Human Rights Day. The event was addressed by Principal, Dr Nidhi Kotwal. Dr Gotam Singh, organizing Secretary of the event briefed the students about the rules and regulations of the Poster making competition. The event was adjudicated by Dr RK Manhas, Dr Papinder Bhagat and Prof. Bhram Dutt. Sonika Devi of BA Sem I won the first position, Kajol Devi of Sem I stood second and Kajal Devi of Sem III bagged third position.
Department of English, GDC Mahanpur organized a symposium on the topic “Role of Media in the Protection of Human Rights” on the occasion of Internal Human Rights Day. The activity was organized under the patronage of Principal of the college Dr Rakesh Kumar Kaul. The event was judged by Dr Munisha Devi, Dr Parshotam Dass and Saurabh Dutta. First position was bagged by Parinka Devi of 5th Sem, second position by Monika Devi of 5th sem and third position was taken by Pawn Kumar of 5th Sem. Certificate were given to all the winners.
Red Ribbon Club and NSS Unit Government Degree College Marh organized an Online Intra College Poster-Making Competition on the theme “‘Equality, Reducing inequalities, advancing human right” under the guidance of Prof Aekta Gupta, Principal GDC, Marh. Students of the college participated, made posters on different sub themes related to human rights and presented slide show of the same.
Department of Political Science, Government Degree College, Mahanpur organized Slogan Writing Competition on Human Rights Day. The event was inaugurated by Principal Dr RK Koul who highlighted the relevance of human rights in multi cultural and multi religious nation like India. Students participated in the competition and certificates were given to all the winners.
On the occasion of International Human Rights Day, the NSS Unit of Government Degree College Bishnah organized a symposium on the topic “Inequality Anywhere in Any Form is a Violation of Human Rights”. The performance of the participants was adjudged by the jury comprising Prof Rashmi Arya, Prof Priyanka Mahajan and Prof Ratika Sharma. Monika Sandhu of Sem-III got the first prize, Anmol Sharma of Sem-V was adjudged as 2nd and Mini Bhat of Sem-III was given third prize. Tania Mehra of Sem-V and Damini of Sem-I were given the Certificates of Merit. Dr Anuradha Pandoh, Principal of the college and other staff members were present on the occasion.
To celebrate Human Rights Day, Aryans College of Law, Rajpura, Near Chandigarh organized a webinar on “Equality, Reducing Inequalities, Advancing Human Rights”. Justice Iqbal Ahmed Ansari, Former Chief justice Patna High Court, Chairperson, Punjab State Human Rights Commission was the keynote speaker. Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group presided over the Webinar.
Department of Political Science, GDC Ukhral celebrated the International Human Rights Day by organizing a seminar on the theme “Equality, Reducing Inequalities, Advancing Human Rights”. A large number of students participated in this program and presented their valuable views on the topic. The program was presided over by Principal of the College Prof (Dr) Ranvijay Singh. Prof Zakir Hussain HOD Political Science was keynote speaker on the occasion.
CPI (M) leader Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami said the human rights in Jammu and Kashmir are being trampled by state and non-state actors with recent killing of civilians in a tragic incident at Hyderpora and targeted killings of civilians in October are glaring examples. In a statement on World Human Rights day today, he said the gross violation of the human rights has left behind traumatizing tales almost in all pockets of the region.
In order to observe and celebrate Human Rights Day, the World Human Rights Council honoured some Government officers in Rajouri district for their selfless and public friendly services. The officers honoured by WHRC Chairperson and volunteers on this occasion include Deputy Commissioner Rajouri Rajesh Shavan, Additional SP Vivek Shekhar Sharma, Deputy SP Headquarters Vinod Sharma, SHO Rajouri Inspector Sameer Jillani and SHO Women PS Sushma Thakur.
J&K Human Right Watch under the chairmanship of BL Kapoor held a meeting in connection with World Human Rights Day. The activist expressed their views on the day. He said that this day has much importance in human lives.
To celebrate International Human Rights Day, Bhartiya Lok Sangeet Kala Sansthan (BLSKS) staged its 89th Friday series Dogri musical play “Sade Haq” on the theme “Equality, Reducing Inequalities, Advancing Human Rights” in collaboration with Sangam Tru Art Production and National College of Computer Education. The play was written, produced and directed by Dr ML Dogra, Chairman BLSKS. The chief guest on the occasion was Dr Tara Singh Charak, Former Deputy Director, Health Department J&K, while guests of honour were VK Magotra Former Regional Director, of Directorate of Field Publicity, Government of India and Dr AC Bhagat, Former Chief Officer Department of Animal Husbandry J&K Government.
Rashtriya Atal Sena Jammu and Kashmir felicitate peoples on Human Rights Day. Shahnawaz Ahanger threw light on the importance of the day.
On World Human Rights Day, Advocate Ronik Sharma, Convenor Roots in POJK said that families from the areas of Indian erstwhile State of J&K occupied by Pakistan in 1947 (POJK DPs 1947) are the first victims of the Pakistani attacks on Indian lands and the atrocities engineered by Pakistan. Sharma appealed to Government of India to extend socio-economic-political rehabilitation support to POJK DP families.