Jora reviews progress on development of Jivetsal

Excelsior Correspondent

Minister for ULBs Nawang Rigzin Jora chairing a meeting at Leh on Tuesday.

LEH, July 30: Minister for Urban Development, Nawang Rigjin Jora today reviewed the progress on development of Jivetsal in the wake of holding Kalachakra next year by spiritual leader Dalai Lama.
The meeting was attended by CEC Rigzin Spalbar, Executive Councilors, Sonam Dorjey, Dr Sonam Wangchuk, Gyurmat Dorjey and Mohd. Shafi Lassu, MLC, Norbu Gyalson, DC Simrandeep Singh, President LBA, Dr Tondup Tsewang, President, LGA Geshe Konchok Namgial, SE PWD, Chief Executive Officer, Leh Development Authority, Urgyan Lhundup, Executive Engineers from all wings of PWD, officers of Rural Development Department and members of LBA Youth and Women’s wing.
The Minister urged upon all the executing agencies to give special attention to complete all the identified works within the given time leaving no scope for delays and complaints. “It is a privilege for Leh to host Kalachakra next year and there should be no lapses in preparations and arrangements in all respects”, he said and gave full assurance for financial support to ensure smooth implementation of all developmental works at Jivetsal.
CEC strongly urged upon the executing agencies to complete maximum work by the end of this working season to lessen the work pressure in the next year.
DC Leh, Simrandeep Singh gave detail information on the latest progress of the works based on his recent inspection to Jivetsal and assured timely completion of works.
Meanwhile, Mr Jora reviewed power scenario in Leh in a separate meeting. He directed NHPC and PDD to put men and machinery at work simultaneously in order to ensure completion of work on sub-stations and transmission lines.
Reacting to the public complaint of poor power supply, he directed PDD to immediately submit a new DPR to work on the improvement of existing transmission lines. He urged DC and SDMs to resolve power related issues and problems at their level. The installation of 11 KV transmission line from Lehdo and onwards was also discussed in detail.
The Engineers of NHPC informed that August 31 is the date fixed to make operational the 66KV substation from Leh to Karu. They also gave assurance to charge Khaltsi block from October 30 and beyond Khaltsi by  November 30.
Mr Jora also reviewed the preliminary works for the initiation of Leh town beautification project under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewable Mission. He said that project will mainly focus on drainage and sewage system, road constructions, telecommunication services and PHE works in and around Leh town.