Gosling tops poll of most wanted celebrities for adult movies

LOS ANGELES, July 31:  Hollywood hunk Ryan Gosling has topped a list of actors that fans would love to see featured in an adult movie.
Gosling garnered 21.6 percent of the total votes, while Angelina Jolie’s fiance Brad Pitt gets the second place with 17.2 percent. At the third position in the poll is “Magic Mike” star Channing Tatum. The list is compiled by adult movie company Vivid Entertainment.
Matthew McConaughey and Johnny Depp get number four and five respectively with 12.7 percent of votes. Other actors who make it to the list are Zac Efron, Liam Hemsworth, Bradley Cooper, Robert Pattinson and Jake Gyllenhaal, reported Aceshowbiz.
The company also conducted another poll which featured celebrity couples. In this section, Justin Timberlake-Jessica Biel got the first position, Jennifer Aniston-Justin Theroux tail them on number two.
The next position is grabbed by Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt, while the fourth place goes to royal couple Kate Middleton- Prince William.
Gosling, who will appear in Terrence Malick’s “Lawless”, previously said that he felt uneasy because of his sex appeal.
“I find this whole sexy thing really awkward. To me it’s just a joke. Although I owe my whole career to my physical assets,” he had said. (PTI)