NC Minority Cell for political empowerment of KPs

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 24: Maintaining that the political empowerment is imperative for Kashmiri Pandits living in exile for last over 32 years, National Conference (NC) Minority Cell president, M K Yogi today made an appeal to Delimitation Commission to reserve two Assembly seats for the community in J&K.
Yogi, while interacting with the leaders of the Cell said the reservation of two seats will end the decades long discrimination with the community. He said that the Centre should also plead the case before the Commission to secure justice for the community.
Yogi said that the displaced community is undergoing traumatic phase after their forced exodus and they are living a miserable life as they feel helpless with no one at the helm of affairs taking the cognizance of the same.
He said their miseries will end if they are empowered with political reservations as has been rightly proposed for other segments of the society.
Senior NC leader and former MLC Bashan Lal Bhat also attended the meeting.