
Aries : Today you will feel like displaying your power. If you find that people are awe-struck when you pass by, take it that your labours are doing the trick. Otherwise, take it that you have to get things in better order. Ganesha says either ways you have more work to do.
Taurus : This is not a day when you should be fooling around with your health. Do not take your health and fitness for granted, warns Ganesha You will be feeling lazy and listless all day long. Chances are that you could fall ill on account of carelessness. Both physical exertion as well as mental stress should b meticulously avoided. From sunset onwards you can rest easy. The period of care and caution will have passed.
Gemini : Interactions with member of the opposite sex may yield positive and pleasurable results today. Public servants will get the much-needed encouragement and moral support from bosses and family members. In academics, you will be able to solve whatever problem you set your mind to.
Cancer : Today, you are likely to remain open-minded while dealing with others. However, it doesn’t mean that you will always be soft on others. Later in the day, your approach may be different and stubborn. In the evening, you will enjoy the company of family and friends.
Leo : Pack your bags, and don’t forget the sunscreen and the shades. Look at the stars today — Ganesha foresees for you a strong prospect of going on a tour. If not an individual backpacking adventure, then an elaborate family holiday, but travel you shall. With Lady Luck smiling upon you all day long, getting work done to the satisfaction of all is not an issue. So wrap up the workload, and grab your suitcase. Bon voyage!
Virgo : Reflect on past glories and assemble the machinery for accomplishing more in the future. New relationships will mark the road to progress. You easy-going nature will help you get along famously with people.
Libra : Today might be a good day to invest in that body armour you saw on the telly last night. At least find one that will shield you from being at the receiving end of your seniors and the daily grind of life. If you happen to be a job aspirant, be prepared to slog it out for your success. Put off auction bids and sealed tenders for a luckier day. Whatever it is that you do to turn your luck around, Ganesha advises you to take abundant precautions in all matters.
Scorpio : House renovation is in the offing. You may furnish it with portraits and artefacts. Today, you may also feel like playing the stock market game and stake your bets, says Ganesha. Have a great time at home by hosting friends over.
Sagittarius : A paradigm shift in your temperament and your looks is on the cards today. Your personality will get better as you don some chic attire, jewellery and a rather loud perfume today. You’re a magnet today, says Ganesha, and will charm your way through a crowd of admirers who will clamour for your attention.
Capricorn : Money will flow in from various quarters today, but it will also find its way out of your pockets. Keep a tab on your income and more on your expenses, says Ganesha. Situation at work may get a little trying, but you will overcome all problems by means of your innate and acquired skills, and past experience. You may have to slog hard for a while, but it is all a matter of time; your efforts will pay off in the long run.
Aquarius : You are ambitious, and quite unapologetic about the way you pursue your goals! You will work hard and push your way through if you have to. Not just that, you will see to it that you have all the skills and competency required to make it big. Success is never served on a plate, and you know it, says Ganesha.
Pisces : For those in the creative, marketing or advertising fields, today will likely bring about an important milestone on their path to progress, says Ganesha. Your creativity and ingenuity will be at their peak. Remembering that confidence is the key to success will keep you from shying away from challenges, which when surmounted will bring you substantial gains.