Duty-free Iranian apple causing heavy losses in J&K, growers seek Govt intervention

Suhail Bhat

Srinagar, Jan 7: The duty-free import of Iranian apples through Afghanistan under the South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) is impacting the Kashmir market in India and causing heavy losses to apple traders.
Apple growers said that an “illegal” supply of cheap Iranian apples has lowered demand for Kashmiri apple, putting a damper on the Valley’s estimated three crore apple boxes, which includes 1.5 crore boxes in cold stores and 1.5 crore boxes in godowns.
Farmers have written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, pleading with him to assist in the worst circumstance that has snatched their market share.
The Kashmir Valley Fruit Growers and Cum Dealers Union, a conglomerate of all fruit growers associations in Kashmir, wrote in their letter that the “illegal and unlawful” import of Iranian apples into India could be “disastrous for small and marginal growers of J&K and Himachal Pradesh, as well as result in huge losses to the exchequer”.
According to Bashir Ahmad Basheer, president of the KVFGDU, the arrival of Iranian apples has resulted in a decline of over 50% in demand for Kashmiri apple, which are now selling for significantly lower prices than last year. “The apple box, which was being sold for around Rs. 1200, is being sold at half the price”, he added.
Imports of cheaper Iranian apple has wreaked havoc on Kashmir’s Agricultural sector, which has already sustained massive losses due to natural disasters and two consecutive lockdowns.
The Hill States Horticulture Forum, founded to address the problem, described it as “catastrophic” for small and marginal fruit growers.
“The sale of Iranian apples in Mandis has resulted in a 30 percent to 40 percent decrease in prices for domestic farmers this year, and there is an expectation that if this continues, farmers will have no market and no means of sustenance,” said Harish Chauhan, president of the Hill States Horticulture Forum.
He said that they had engaged the Government in the hope of resolving the important issues. “We hope the administration will take our demand into account. Import duties on apples should be levied at 100% realistically to protect the rights of domestic growers and affiliates, and imports should be limited. Otherwise, the appropriate government will lose income due to the undervaluation of duty”, he said.
He, however, pointed out that the import of apples would have an impact on other states. He said that states such as Himachal Pradesh and Uttrakhand will be affected as well and that growers will have an even more difficult time during the main season if imports are not restricted.
Horticulture accounts for roughly 8% of Jammu and Kashmir’s GDP. Official statistics reveal that the horticultural business supports seven lakh families directly or indirectly.