Feminism: A Misconstrued Maze

Archana Gupta
A woman I am
Bestowed with grace and valour,
If a man strengthens the family ship
Then I am the sailor.
In our society, the key to a successful household is associated with a financially stable man and a family devoted women. But this notion has murdered the aspirations of numerous women who see themselves as independent, influential individuals of society. Hence, the wings to these dreams are gifted by the Ideology of Feminism.
What is Feminism?
It is a concept which emphasizes equal rights and opportunities for men and women.
It is a Latin word which means spreading awareness about the deliberate heinous actions of men towards women and persecution and exploitation faced by them in the community, at work and even at households.
Every concept has various peerspectives so does Feminism. What are some logics and theories connected to this contemporary concept?
There are many theories on feminism stated by discrete scholars. The first theory of Moderates or Liberals stated that the inferior status of the women was due to the ethical and psychological elements. The second theory of Radicals stated that the women’s oppression is because of the sexual assault by men. The third theory of Socialist and Marxist believed that the women are considered subservient because of the notion of personal estate. They perceived that the position of women could only be raised if personal estates are terminated. These theories have been used to recognize the women’s inferior status besides developing policies for women’s impartiality.
What are some of the branches of Feminism?
In many parts of the world, Black women face discrimination where they are ill-treated and are not given equal rights. They are not allowed to engage in any political, social or economical activities held by white women. Generally, their problems are ignored therefore the Black females establish another feminism known as Womanism which helped these women to stand up for their dreams and desires.
Arab feminism, another branch of Feminism, focuses on imparting equal rights to Arabian woman keeping in mind Islamic Values and Arabic Nationalism.
Why was there a need of Feminism?
A woman has a chief role to play in the society as she gives birth to a child, binds the household yet she is treated with disgrace. Even today in many areas of India, women are just viewed as family managers and their only task is to raise the children and bow to men’s orders. They are not permitted to participate in jobs outside their residence like studying, voting or writing. They were kept away from educational opportunities as it is believed that educated women through their knowledge would interrogate the meaningless shackles of society and attain the freedom to conquer the world. Further, the health of the women is not given any priority despite the fact that a woman has the most delicate and fragile physique besides the other motherly activities.
In many parts of the world women are looked at differently. In Ethiopia, women and young girls are viewed as property and so they are exchanged. In Afghanistan and Pakistan, for settling the disputes women are traded with the rival allies. In countries like Australia, Israel, Canada and USA, 40%-50%of the women face domestic violence and are killed by their spouse. In Pakistan, women are abused. In Israel, men are so dominating that the women can’t even give a divorce without his consent but it is not as such in men’s case. There is unbridled euthanasia in the third world nations. In USA, around 74 women are molested every hour and in India nearly 35 women are raped in the blink of an eye. In many countries like Thailand, Philippines, Korea, Brazil and Hungry, sex tourism is encouraged. Another survey conducted by Euro-Chambers stated that men are at a greater position than women as many women face barriers because of motherhood and household’s pressures. They presumed that they are least trusted and lack persuasive and managerial power in work.
In many nations, women stick to the unjust rules which they are compelled to obey.
How does Feminism uplift the spirits of Woman?
Lately, the status of women has been upgraded. In many parts of the world, they have been given equal rights to men in various fields- religion, politics or in society yet they are still in the race to achieve equality to be a living person. The women still face blockade in stereotypical perspective and discrimination which still persists to categorize and classify human beings and their qualifications on the basis of gender which limits the women’s role. In 2002, nearly 500 women were canvassed regarding their professional life by The Conference Board Europe. They were questioned about the blockades in the evolution of women. Many among them mentioned stereotypical perspective and discrimination as a hindrance to their potential and the others believed that there was absence of a female paragon because of which the women lack encouragement to raise their voice for a better future and remained oppressed under the influence of the men. But this contemporary idea has ignited the spirits of many young women who no longer feel obliged to murder their choices and wishes. It also empowers equality among both genders hence flushing out professional boundaries. A man, now, is capable enough to share responsibility with his wife and a wife is confident enough to shoulder the responsibilities of the household.
Has Feminism showed the path of empowerment to woman?
Feminists highlighted the importance of education for women’s survival therefore they looked for equivalent opportunities for both boys and girls in academics. They believed that education was essential for economic growth, social growth and sustainable development all over the world. The most efficacious investments for expanding woman productivity and enriching the felicity of the households were elevating education levels and women’s literacy rates. Women are more skilled than men provided that their qualifications are used in righteous areas.
Several nations have techno scientific centres who majorly focus on women’s health care like Women’s Health in Norway. Under the authority of the World Health Organization (WHO), women’s health is substantially affected by biological, social and environmental agents like domestic violence, sexual assault and they need to be given exceptional awareness.
‘A vindication of the rights of woman’ by Marry Wollstonecraft encourages all the women feminist to stand up for total equality and liberty all over the world. Every woman who was murdered, raped or prevented to follow their dreams and achieve the aim is entitled to be respected and admired. And it is utterly important to highlight the fact the Feminism does not mean suppressing men to empower woman, it signifies equal rights for life and survival to both men and woman.