‘Statement not changed at PMO’s behest’

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) tonight rubbished as “mischievous” the reports that a statement on the killing of five Indian soldiers on the LoC was changed at its behest.
“Such allegations being made are mischievous and have no basis,” a PMO spokesman said.
He was reacting to reports that the statement was changed after being drafted by the Army.
While the Army statement issued in Jammu had said the attack in Poonch was carried out by Pakistan army’s Border Action Team (BAT), a statement read out by Defence Minister A K Antony in Parliament said the assault was carried out by “terrorists along with persons dressed in Pakistan Army uniform”.
Sources today said the statement made by Antony was vetted by several senior officials including National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon, Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh, the DGMO and some Defence Ministry officers. (PTI)